Author Topic: The Film Viewer  (Read 238 times)

Offline pervert

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The Film Viewer
« on: March 20, 2014, 06:45:58 AM »
With the upcoming graphics update I would like to see the film viewer updated into something like windows movie maker, Aces High doesn't have the budget to compete in advertising why bother trying to compete on that ground when player vids could do the same thing.

I'm no expert in the terminology of cinematic shots, but I would like it to have virtually anything possible in terms of angles shots fades ready to go titles including the Aces High logo and link and be easy enough for any player to make a very high quality player video.

Offline RedBull1

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Re: The Film Viewer
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 06:47:57 AM »
For the love of god, forget that, just get us a film viewer that doesn't crash every other time you try to load something, freeze and stutter like mad, and then maybe, if you're feeling generous, add some of perv's suggestions :lol
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Offline SirNuke

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Re: The Film Viewer
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2014, 01:11:20 PM »
a film viewer where you can rewind and doesn't crash would be a start