Lusche, Lusche, you've got to fly real airplanes, preferably in a manner that can forseeably get you killed. But take my word, even if you do that, she DOES NOT want to hear anything technical about airplanes, not how they work, not how maneuvers work, not tactics. She just wants to know that you laugh at death because that's sexy, I.E. being in a very real way at least partially a moron is sexy to the female of the species
It is probably easier and less expensive to get a motorcycle, a tattoo, and pretend to have a criminal background.
Unfortunately I found that not to be true. Pushed my best K/D tour up to 42.33... nothing
"Hello Lady! Did you know I score well in Aces High" *lewd smile*
"Well, that's probably about the only place where you will ever score"
(Image removed from quote.)