Author Topic: Side switch times  (Read 10786 times)

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #105 on: April 14, 2014, 11:53:19 PM »
A 12 hour switch thread just wouldn't be the same without semp turning up  :rofl he doesn't like the 1 hour switch because people who were flying with him all bailed out switched sides upped from the base he was capping and shot him down

actually when it was the one hour switch, i would switch to the side that would give me the most kills...

a waste of time as the goons are dead.  or the bombing mission that you planned gets cut short as they know exactly where you are. or the frustration of finding out that the guy you just saved is now the one who shot you down when you couldnt fight back.

I wish people were honest enough to say "I couldnt care less about numbers, I switch to get more kills", instead of this pathetic "i want to help the low side".


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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #106 on: April 15, 2014, 12:24:04 AM »
ouch  :rofl
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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #107 on: April 15, 2014, 12:32:30 AM »
you guys have been debating for what 2 or 3 years?  did you get your cookie yet?


semp, you have been in practically every single 12 hour switch thread ever made, you have not contributed one single rational thought to any of them, nor have you shown any ability to understand why this might affect other players, you can't even remember your points from the last thread  :rofl

The funniest nonsensical points you ever made was that you yourself switched to the side that was hoarding to get more kills, and were outraged that people might have the intention to play in the same scummy way! :rofl why do you think that everybodys thinking is the same as yours?  :rofl

After the semp filter is applied this passage to semp will read:

"semp you the funniest ever" thusly all is good in sempland

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #108 on: April 15, 2014, 06:56:21 AM »
I still don't get how what you posted is a core dispute? This game is about air combat... Pretty sure that has been pointed out.. Please explain..

And, if you don't think there is a downside, why are you here attempting to make a point against it? If they have a valid argument let them make it.. You're not helping either side.. You're just here.. fluffing the thread..

I'm pointing out that there are those who do not agree with OP point of view and until some compromise solution is reached I seriously doubt that HTC will make any change out of fear it will irritate one faction or the other.  Truth be told, I doubt HTC will make any changes period, but a compromise might have a better shot at getting consideration.

Not seen any name calling other than you calling yourself the messenger...

You should reread the thread.  Grizz called me the messenger.  I did, however, reply in kind to him in a way meant to be funny and disarming without being disrespectful.  If it was taken as disrespectful I apologize.

Thread fluffing...I had not heard that but its certainly applicable to a few.  Carry on.

Not my intent to fluff this thread.  My intent is to point out the need for a compromise both sides can get behind.  You know, like the one from you own squad member a few pages back?  

Keep in mind that the typical response from the hardliners from both sides to any compromise idea is to poo on it, insist their approach is clearly best, and flatly state that everyone else just needs to get behind it.    As semp pointed out...this debate's been going on for a while now with no cookie for either side.  I should know....I've read most of them over the past several years. Doesn't seem like a productive approach to me.  Maybe a middle road compromise might get both sides half a cookie?

Damn.  There I go again using italics.  And I actually halfway agreed with semp too!  Heretical!  :)
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 07:16:43 AM by Hoplite »

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #109 on: April 15, 2014, 08:14:59 AM »
Your last post..

Not my intent to fluff this thread.  My intent is to point out the need for a compromise both sides can get behind.  You know, like the one from you own squad member a few pages back?  

Damn.  There I go again using italics.  And I actually halfway agreed with semp too!  Heretical!  :)

From OP...
I'm not asking for it to be changed back to an hour but how about some sort of reasonable freakin compromise? How can the only two options tried be 1 hr and 12 hr? There is a lot of middle ground in there.

From 68Raptor...
Good points here Grizz441  :salute :cheers:

Coming from that perspective, I can see your point about the side switch times. 4, 6 or 8 hours would seem a fair amount. If someone did switch when the early US times started getting busy then by the time it's winding their switch time timer would be up.

Other than that I haven't seen anyone post much against a more reasonable switching time.  The biggest resistance has been from you and semp who actually agree there should be a change made.    :rofl

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #110 on: April 15, 2014, 08:39:39 AM »
Your last post..
From OP...
From 68Raptor...
Other than that I haven't seen anyone post much against a more reasonable switching time.  The biggest resistance has been from you and semp who actually agree there should be a change made.    :rofl

I'm not resisting anything.  I just pointed out a problem.  And yes, you are correct that no one other than me has brought up the this thread at any rate.  Go back to others and I think you will find posts voicing these concerns.

Which I guess begs the question why hasn't anyone else stepped forward and brought it up in this thread? Who knows? Maybe everyone realizes you are right and attitudes towards this subject have changed?  Maybe people are tired of a pointless argument?  Maybe it's because posting an opinion on the forum even remotely in opposition to one taken by a member of your squad tends to result in that person being ridiculed, called names, and basically disrespected?  Not saying that happened here, BTW, but you have to grant me that's the historical precedent....  

Anyway...I do hope you get your wish.  I think it would make the game a bit more interesting having roaming bands of mercenary squads with no allegiance to a specific chess piece.  Aces High version of wandering Ronin bands, loyal to nothing but the fight.  It would certainly add some challenges for the base taking crowd but I think that wouldn't be a bad thing either.   :salute

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #111 on: April 15, 2014, 09:30:13 AM »
The entire system is broken Hitech. Eny and side switching are supposed to work together, with eny acting as a deterrent to stay the high numbers side. Since we can basically switch sides one time a day, we have to make it count. Aces high is a social game and if your playing with squad mates and want to switch sides for whatever reason, every squad mate has to be able to switch! What are the chances of that? We are completely handcuffed. Slaves to eny, slaves to a particular country, and slaves to a volatile ever changing map that might be fun on one team for an hour and then suck the next hour.  If I switch sides because there's a good fight and an hour later there is nothing I'm logging! I realize war guys are nervous about spying but they should be more worried about low numbers making the game boring and their efforts fruitless without meaningful victory.

I'm not asking for it to be changed back to an hour but how about some sort of reasonable freakin compromise? How can the only two options tried be 1 hr and 12 hr? There is a lot of middle ground in there.

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #112 on: April 15, 2014, 10:39:42 AM »
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #113 on: April 15, 2014, 12:54:55 PM »
I have tried to play again regularly many times. Normally I can easily get hyped up and log in. I log in as a Knight, but the fight is Rook vs I switch to Rook. Play for a few hours and have some fun and the base is taken, the fight dissipates and a new one is formed Bish vs Knight. Seeing as I have 9 more hours before I can join that fight, I log off discouraged.

It is like a cascading falls...people can't play the game how they wish, so they log because they can't switch sides, which causes rants on the forum about low numbers, and so on.
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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #114 on: April 15, 2014, 12:56:56 PM »
you guys have been debating for what 2 or 3 years?  did you get your cookie yet?

B29 was asked for how many times for how many years? We have a B29 now.
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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #115 on: April 15, 2014, 01:06:41 PM »
B29 was asked for how many times for how many years?

My head hurts  :)

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #116 on: April 15, 2014, 01:16:24 PM »
I have tried to play again regularly many times. Normally I can easily get hyped up and log in. I log in as a Knight, but the fight is Rook vs I switch to Rook. Play for a few hours and have some fun and the base is taken, the fight dissipates and a new one is formed Bish vs Knight. Seeing as I have 9 more hours before I can join that fight, I log off discouraged.

It is like a cascading falls...people can't play the game how they wish, so they log because they can't switch sides, which causes rants on the forum about low numbers, and so on.

Yep. It is getting so bad several of us are going to War Thunder in off peak now.....
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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #117 on: April 15, 2014, 01:18:59 PM »

Yep. It is getting so bad several of us are going to War Thunder in off peak now.....

Do you run in that game too?

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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #118 on: April 15, 2014, 01:39:11 PM »
Do you run in that game too?




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Re: Side switch times
« Reply #119 on: April 15, 2014, 03:02:40 PM »
Yep, it is a cool story, "dude".  But more to the point, that's how it appears to be perceived by some who care more for winning the map than flying in the mudpit.   Expand your worldview. 

FYI - I did not state that I share this view.  I don't.  So spare me the attack the messenger tactics.  I'm simply stating what should be obvious to anyone who has read these damned debates over and over again.

If they are such a strong contingent, why aren't the win the war guys more active in this thread? Hmm?