When I was new I flew the K-4 a lot, I got away from the whole Luft set here because they are subtle and challenging, couldn't fly em and have any fun.
After more than a year I came back and started flying the G-14, I've figured a few things out and absolutely love it, it took me awhile to figure out how to handle to the subtleties and challenges that much earlier frustrated me out of the plane. Anyhow you're a better stick than I am, so I know you know all that, but maybe some of the Spit/Pony guys could try a challenge if they knew where to start.
K-4 spud gun is what keeps me out of it, spud guns are best for lobbing a tater into general direction of a late night gangbangers bass boomin deafening, window rattling party at 2am when I have to work the next day.
or so I've heard