I'd be more interested in knowing how the Perkies get awarded. I've actually seen single kill numbers over 10 (but its rare for me) from the g-14. I had a single kill 6.38 the other night. I have no idea, though, if that's under, over, or average achieving on singles. Usually, it seems like I only get one or two perks for each kill landed.
(ENY of your plane/eny of the killed plane) * perk multiplier shown on vehicle selection screen.
So, if I happen to be flying a P47D11 eny 35, and I kill a P51D ENY 5, and the sides are even, I get
(35/5)*1= 7 perks.
If the perk multiplier is less than one because your side has high numbers you get less, if your side is outnumbered so the perk multiplier is higher than one you get more.
If the pony kills me in the above scenario, you have
(5/35)*1= 0.14 perks.
The lower the ENY on your ride, the less perks you will earn.