Well, i will be in attendance for the gathering, however I am Obligated to F.A.S.T. for an RC fly in on Saturday the 19th. Is there a preferance to do the stearman rides saturday or sunday? This also leaves us with another activity if anyone is interested? There will be food and lots of flying at the rc field. Giant scale to ultra micro, warbirds and the like. There is also a tailgate swapmeet so good deals on rc stuff is a real possability. I can schedule for saturday if that is what the group prefers, as I have the Stearman at my disposal all of the time. Please let me know A.S.A.P. if josh is coming ill bring an acoustic guitar, and im sure we can play together for an hour or so (if anyone else has a guitar or bass bring it with you) Saturday night. Ill also see if i csn land a local band if the size of the group warrants it. SHawk, any thoughts? I know Stang will be there this year. I will bring some misc. Food and drinks, snaks and some adult beverages