Hossa bull,
Situation : Knights were engagin a24. All acks were down, goon near. Bull tried to take of desperately in a spit and was vulched 4 times by myself. Then the field was captured. I gave a <S> to you over ch 2.
30 min later knights were workin on a25, not much left there when bull, who was the only defender, tried several times to up in a b26 + always released his bombs on runway when we engaged him. It never worked, shoot him down several times and landed safely when i was winchester.
Sure we got the field but i was pissed of because i really hate buffs releasin their load on the rw or c47 releasin their troops very hi so attackers can't see the troops.
Called u "Mr Dweeb" on ch 1 but don't felt very good after that. I take that back, at least you were the only rook who cares about that fields & you have all rights to play the game like you want.
See ya in the skies bull
blitz out