I have read the majority of this thread and there are some erudite arguments, however BnZ does have a reasonable point.
The argument of "it's their $15" only goes so far.
It's like saying: "everyone pays their car tax, so they should be allowed to drive however the hell they like, if you feel it's destroying your enjoyment of driving? Simply modify the way you drive"
There really are some behaviours in this game that are detrimental to the experience of playing as a whole.
This is a question of moderation, I was riding my bike the other day and thinking about something similar.
It is fairly universally accepted that it is wise to fly by the Dikta Boelcka, fair enough, however you would have everyone at their absolute ceiling, all flying in the same direction with sun at their backs, there simply would not be a fight, so on one hand the Dikta would work, as no one would get shot down.
I have yet to find anyone, short of those being blatantly belligerent, who admits to, what are considered to be the morally debatable forms of gameplay, i.e picking, vulching, hoing, toolshedding, bumbturding,hordeing, ganging and about 10 other "ings"