Your desire to change the icons is based off a false assumption that the MA is a "war". There is no command or official objectives for any side. Leaving aside the argument of what a "realistic" icon range should be, the icons help people find the bad guys. That's what the MA is about, fighting. Having a war simulation is the job for special events and FSO. The MA is about spontaneous fighting in whatever manner you choose. Icons expedite fights. I don't want to play "hide and seek" to get a fight out of someone.
You can call my view uninformed because it doesn't coincide with yours, but HTC knows more about making a game work than you do. The icons work just fine, except for the 600' wirble icons. That's a mistake IMO.
The point about expediting fights is valid and coincides with some of the earlier discussion; there is both a need/want for quick engagement and for greater realism. The lack of numbers deprives us of variety even as you tell me the only way is the MA way. No. But I'll accept that, at least for the MA and, as you state, leaving aside issues of accuracy, there is merit in the use of icons -and for the reason you state.
That said, now where do I go for realism? Guess I'm SOL and that thing about my 14.95 and playing it how I like only applies so long as how I like is MA. FSO and special events only, I guess...
As for the second point, ht has made a fine game, it's a pity that its "working" a death spiral. As I say, changing nothing carries the risk that nothing changes. All that said, I'm now more than ever convinced that we need some kind of "McAH" that serves up fast and sloppy arcade action. This icon discussion is completely collateral to that and would only matter, especially in the terms by which we evaluate it, to experienced players. Noobs should have easy mode and, IMO, icons are integral to that.
You asked why I called them stupid. I gave you an answer mainly related to their accuracy. We're no longer discussing that, apparently -but that's okay. As a game mechanism in the MA, I will concede some merit to these.
Finally, I called uncritical acceptance of the icons as configured no less uninformed than uncritical rejection of the icons as configured. I didn't call your view unconditionally uninformed. Indeed, you've played this longer than I and clearly have distinct and discriminating opinions regarding the icons ( eg regarding the wirb and the game mech). I am glad to know these since they've helped me to understand the foundation of the case in favor of icons, even if I still differ.
Love the screenies w/ captions, btw.