I tried ubuntu and did all the recommendations they did. but just like the other 4 or 5 I tried, it slowly started to crash. for example on the hd that I have I am unable to update it. the "control panel" or whatever you call it wont even come up, it just hangs in there. I'll give it another try in a few months once some of them get a bit more updated.
linux is not a system like windows where it is "install and forget". it's a bit more complicated and for people who like to tinker with stuff. I like to mess around with stuff but in this one I got "way over my head" trying to fix whichever problem came at me.
No actually linux is exactly 'install and forget'. You must have done something wrong in the setup. For example my parents use a Kubuntu setup I installed to them 4 years ago. They haven't called me even once to fix it as opposed to windows needing fixing every few months.
Next time when you install linux make sure that your install DVD is burned at maximum 4x speed and that you follow instructions meant only for that specific distribution and version. If you try to follow instructions which are meant for other versions most likely you'll end up messing something up. Also the install media can be very tricky, if the cd/dvd has burn errors the setup may finish seemingly ok but stuff is broken in reality.
The last linux setup DVD I tried to burn with the built in burn tool in W7 using standard settings was faulty, IIRC you can't define burn speed in the built in tool.