Author Topic: Thoughts on missions  (Read 4971 times)

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Thoughts on missions
« Reply #90 on: August 01, 2014, 08:53:30 PM »
They have found that game, and it's called Aces High.  And they are playing it by flying airplanes to destroy a target, and then possibly capture it.  Now, and here's the cool part, other guys get to try to stop them from destroying and capturing the target.  So that second group of planes, they attack the first group of planes, and you get.....wait for it, an air battle, in Aces High.  It doesn't matter if they are 50 feet or 50 thousand feet, at least they are in airplanes that you can engage.  It doesn't look like they really care about the score, nor do they care about your opinion of their score.  I would be willing to bet they have fun at it.  Or they are insane and keep doing something they hate.  This is as far as you can get from they way that I choose to fly.  I'm glad neither I nor any one else gets to choose how they want to fly for them.  I'll even grant you that I too would prefer they drop their ords and engage if they are intercepted on the way to their intended target.  Tough, again, they get to choose, and I get to choose to engage them or not.

More power to them because it looks like they are doing EXACTLY what this game is set up to allow you to choose to do.

the game of "be a fighter jock" gets old fast.  Especially, when the opponent likes to show off his survivability skills or the never ending oneupsmanship of who can get the most E.  Asking other players to play with you and being willing to play with others makes this game more enjoyable. 47% the reason most people stick around is the camaraderie and teamwork.  hunkered down on squad vox does nothing for country wide teamwork and the enjoyment of the comunity and ultimately the longevity of this game.

Of course I could be wrong.  Maybe we just need more advertising to attract more 25k p-47m furballers to develop a expanding and loyal customer base.  :bolt:

I have no problem with a guy playing his own way.  a great bounty awaits the man with the patience to dweeb. just be aware I will not be playing much in those situations.  Ive been there done that and have noting to prove and am actually quite turned off by figher dweeb tactics and consider most a waste of my time.  I do still enjoy playing with other players for a goal.  When the comunity becomes completely cold and stale from high altitude sickness I will be done with this game.

Until then, to each his own.
