Author Topic: Web Videos: P-47 Combat Ops, XB-70, Ploesti. Fighter Tactics, WW2 Carrier Ops  (Read 238 times)

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Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In Big August 2014 Newsletter

Hello World War 2 & jet aircraft fans --

You are invited to drop by Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
to view our August selection of eight exciting aviation streaming over the Web in broadband, including three premiers!

As always, all of the videos showing on our website are for your free viewing pleasure. Please help "spread the word" by liking us on Facebook!

Now showing in August "At the Matinee" at Zeno's Drive-In Free admission!

* P-47 Thunderbolt World Wide Combat Operation NEW! This film was shown to fledgling "Jug" pilots before they shipped out to forward air bases around the world. This engrossing video features a half dozen real pilots flying real missions in a variety of roles in all theaters of war.

*XB-70A Valkyrie Supersonic Bomber Flight Test Program Overview. Restored Color NEW!  This film, produced by North American Aviation, gives a concise overview of the early phases of the supersonic XB-70A bomber aircraft design, construction, development and testing in 1964. You'll see Phase One & Two flight tests and "proof loading" structural tests. Best of all, there are lots of  great color shots of this amazing aircraft!

* World War 2 Fighter Formations: Attack & Escort  An experienced Army Air Force fighter pilot, played with his usual verve by Ronald Reagan, is called back from the front to lead a fighter tactics class in Flight School. Shows the AAF way for forming. deploying and maneuvering fighter formations from two ship elements to 12 plane squadrons & how to take on enemy fighters. Then the focus turns to tactics for escorting friendly bombers and attacking enemy bomber formations - and more!   

* Raids on the Ploesti Oil Fields 1942-43 Two films commemorating the costly missions flown by the US Army Air Force against the Ploesti oil fields in Romania in 1943-44. August 1st marked the 72nd Anniversary of the first mission.

* 98 Bomb Group B-24 Liberators Over North Africa. An exclusive production. This recently discovered footage shows Medal of Honor winner Col. John R. "Killer " Kane and the men of the 98th Bomb Group in the Summer of 1943, shortly before the heroic, costly Ploesti mission, at their desert base in Benghasi/Benina, Libya. You'll see legendary B-24 Liberators like "The Vulgar Virgin," "The Sandman," and "War Cloud." 

* Landing & Re-Spotting World War 2 Carrier Planes COLOR This unique film offer a rare look (in color) at how US Navy carrier flight deck crews were trained to quickly land, park, fuel & re-arm and relaunch aircraft. As a bonus, you'll see GM FM-1 "Wildcats" and Grumman TBF "Avengers" up close, handled expertly on the tiny deck of a CVE "jeep" escort carrier.

* The American Navy in Vietnam. NEW! Narrated by NBC News legend Chet Huntley, this wide ranging color documentary gives a overview of USN activities during the Vietnam War, including carrier based air strikes, river patrols, Marine amphibious landings, base construction by Sea Bees, reconnaissance, direct gunfire support from warships and more. Great color footage of air, sea & land operations.

* We Flew the Mig 15. In September, 1953, a North Korean defector handed over the first Russian Mig 15 to fall into US hands. This was a momentous occasion because the Mig had proven to be a worthy adversary for the North American F-86 Sabre in the skies over Korea. The Mig was immediately subjected to comprehensive testing. You'll see Chuck Yeagar and other top test pilots putting the Mig through it's paces and hear what they learned, along with a point by point performance comparison with the F-86.
We also show 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy films and pilot's manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! - don't miss the F-86, B-47 & B-58!

Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7
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Web Videos: P-47 Combat Ops, XB-70, Ploesti. Fighter Tactics, WW2 Carrier Ops & more