Kool if I can ask where did you get your GTX-970 from? I am looking but Amazon, Newegg, and Tiger direct are out.
Noman, I ordered it from Amazon back on Sept. 22nd. It was out of stock at the time but they said they would send me an update with an estimated time of delivery. A day later they came up with Oct. 1st as being the delivery date. The morning of Oct. 1st I was filled with anticipation. Oh joy, a new toy, I can't wait! I got up early that morning, had a good breakfast, then read my email and barfed. Amazon's update said their delivery changed to Oct. 7th.
So later that night, I prayed really really hard and low and behold it showed up on my door step the next day.
A miracle indeed! Amazon most likely got a shippment later that day and even though I originally selected 2-4 day delivery they shipped it via FedEx overnight anyway. Nice!