The topic of the original post which, as a bug report, has gone unaddressed for a week now - was about bombers disappearing and then reappearing at 22000 feet. NOE stands for uNder twO hundred fEet and we know this because when we fly at the nap of the Earth and that Earth is more than 200 feet above the ocean, we show dar bar. It is for this reason that it is impossible to fly NOE because the terrain rises steeply from field 59 on the Compello map and even if the bombers climbed from a NOE location off the map, there is no accounting for how this con can reappear at 22,000 feet.
I believe the ghost plane glitch is related to the invisibility glitch because they happened on the same map, in exactly the same location and similar if not identical conditions and that it is an even more profound glitch than dar invisibility. We can learn something from the fact that this bug report has not been addressed by AH staff since other posts about the pilot wound randomizer have been moved from the Bug Report forum to the Help and Training forum. Obviously this topic is valid, if not hot.