Author Topic: Ideas to help improve the current game.  (Read 888 times)

Offline WWhiskey

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Ideas to help improve the current game.
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:58:38 PM »
Thanks Hitech, for a great game! :airplane:
My list of things I think would help with the current game  that shouldn't take to much effort to implement, :::
in my opinion!
( how would I know)
I do understand that the new stuff is priority, but if any of this could be done quickly and easily, I think it would help!

1::: the new towns were very difficult to take when we got them, so it was set up that only 70% roughly, of it had to be down for WF,, this number needs to go back up to around 90%
2::: HQ can be knocked down by one set of lancs,, this is way to easy and one person can ruin the game for a whole side by himself , it needs to take three times as much or more!
3::: the strats alone don't pay enough to be bombed just for the heck of it, they need to pay more for a successful round trip but effect the game less than they do currently!

A little more complicated

4:: Need multiple GV hangers on airbases ,, same problem, as HQ,, one person easily stops play by dropping one hanger every 15 minutes,, the bigger the base, the more GV hangers, just like Fighter hangers!

5::: the amount of damage to a hanger when droped on helps to decide how long it stays down,  at say 70% of max possible damage, the hanger goes down for a shorter than normal amount of time, say 5 to10 minutes,,  if it has been hit as hard as possible , it stays down the whole 15 minutes, at 15 minutes , cut and dry,, it is way to predictable.

6:: tweak all the GV spawns for better combat ,,  some are to close together, but most are to far apart and not helpful for defending against the current crop of vehicles in game,, when they were built, we had very few GV's with pretty limited capability

7::: remove Ord from Small/ frontline airbases, make them more primitive, as they would be as front line bases,, maybe even keep ord down at newly captured bases until the capturing team reaches a zone base!

I still love the game after almost 9 years and play every day my wife lets me! If none of this happened, I would still play every day ,, it's just some things I see that could be tried!
Flying since tour 71.

Offline Dragon Tamer

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2014, 10:21:49 PM »
1: Towns could use a bit of a buff, but I think that 90% is too high. I think it would be better around 80 to 85%.

2: Hell to the yes. In total support of this.

3: ... no comment...

4: I do like this idea, it would make large bases more of a stone wall against the hordes onslaught (not very likely to stop it though).

5: I'm not in favor of this, in addition to being extremely difficult to implement, it would allow a much lighter fighter to more easily shut down the base and have it back up more quickly on the turnaround. I know that a 5 minute base capture is possible when done right. I've seen it done in 2 minutes before. This would allow the base to go from useless to effective in too short of a time period IMO.

6: I used to GV a lot, not so much anymore. +1

7: Not really sure how this would benefit the game in any way. As far as I can tell this would only hurt game play.

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2014, 07:40:33 AM »
1: Towns could use a bit of a buff, but I think that 90% is too high. I think it would be better around 80 to 85%.

2: Hell to the yes. In total support of this.

3: ... no comment...

4: I do like this idea, it would make large bases more of a stone wall against the hordes onslaught (not very likely to stop it though).

5: I'm not in favor of this, in addition to being extremely difficult to implement, it would allow a much lighter fighter to more easily shut down the base and have it back up more quickly on the turnaround. I know that a 5 minute base capture is possible when done right. I've seen it done in 2 minutes before. This would allow the base to go from useless to effective in too short of a time period IMO.

6: I used to GV a lot, not so much anymore. +1

7: Not really sure how this would benefit the game in any way. As far as I can tell this would only hurt game play.
5:: I'm not saying make it easier to take down a hanger,, but that more ord than now would guarantee it stay down longer,, up to the 15 minutes it now goes down for,, if the current amount of ord was used ( 2500lbs or so) with a near but not perfect hit,, you might get less down time,, use 4000lbs perfectly placed and get the full 15 minutes!
As it is, one plane can easily take down one hanger for a full fifteen minutes without much effort
7:::: it would slow the progression of base takes having to cart ords from farther and farther away,, much like a real war, the farther you extend yourself from your home base, the slower and more difficult it becomes for logistics and the more likely you are to see real combat instead of "war as usual"
Flying since tour 71.

Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2014, 09:33:47 AM »
I think HTC should seriously explore changing the % for town captures on a month by month basis.  Same goes for hardness setting on the HQ.

Actually, regarding the HQ there is a mode in which HQ is able to be effected in which is it not completely shut down. Just look at the clip board. It is set up for incements of 25% dmg. Meaning, at 75% the effect is X. At 50% the effect is X and Y. At 25% the effec is X,Y, and Z.  If the HQ is damaged 100%, the HQ is full down.

Now, the HQ is either full up or full down. There is no partial.  To me, that is a bum deal.  For HQ to be down 100% it should take multiple sets of heavy bombers.
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline Aspen

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2014, 09:47:48 AM »
I agree with the HQ wish.  The others all seem to generally be aimed at slowing down base taking.  Although I frown when CraterMA gets won, in general I think we have about the right balance considering that some maps get rolled quickly and others often run the full week.
AMAX  in game

Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2014, 10:00:11 AM »
I agree with the HQ wish.  The others all seem to generally be aimed at slowing down base taking.  Although I frown when CraterMA gets won, in general I think we have about the right balance considering that some maps get rolled quickly and others often run the full week.
depends on which maps you like!, my favorite maps are rolled quickly while others I don't really care for last a lot longer. It would be nice if each map lasted about the same amount of time,

Not really trying to make it harder to roll bases, but easier to defend them!

Hand in hand tho, I guess! :x
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 10:02:41 AM by WWhiskey »
Flying since tour 71.

Offline icepac

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2014, 07:19:17 AM »
You can white flag and almost completely deack a town with a single set of lancs at this time.

I'm sure there is a player out there who can do both in one sortie.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2014, 04:06:06 PM »
remove ack from town

Kill the manned ack.

Offline caldera

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2014, 07:41:47 PM »
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2014, 09:17:57 AM »
Thanks Hitech, for a great game! :airplane:
My list of things I think would help with the current game  that shouldn't take to much effort to implement, :::
in my opinion!
( how would I know)
I do understand that the new stuff is priority, but if any of this could be done quickly and easily, I think it would help!

1::: the new towns were very difficult to take when we got them, so it was set up that only 70% roughly, of it had to be down for WF,, this number needs to go back up to around 90%
2::: HQ can be knocked down by one set of lancs,, this is way to easy and one person can ruin the game for a whole side by himself , it needs to take three times as much or more!
3::: the strats alone don't pay enough to be bombed just for the heck of it, they need to pay more for a successful round trip but effect the game less than they do currently!

A little more complicated

4:: Need multiple GV hangers on airbases ,, same problem, as HQ,, one person easily stops play by dropping one hanger every 15 minutes,, the bigger the base, the more GV hangers, just like Fighter hangers!

5::: the amount of damage to a hanger when droped on helps to decide how long it stays down,  at say 70% of max possible damage, the hanger goes down for a shorter than normal amount of time, say 5 to10 minutes,,  if it has been hit as hard as possible , it stays down the whole 15 minutes, at 15 minutes , cut and dry,, it is way to predictable.

6:: tweak all the GV spawns for better combat ,,  some are to close together, but most are to far apart and not helpful for defending against the current crop of vehicles in game,, when they were built, we had very few GV's with pretty limited capability

7::: remove Ord from Small/ frontline airbases, make them more primitive, as they would be as front line bases,, maybe even keep ord down at newly captured bases until the capturing team reaches a zone base!

I still love the game after almost 9 years and play every day my wife lets me! If none of this happened, I would still play every day ,, it's just some things I see that could be tried!

Personally I'd like to see ANY kind of change. To me this would mean that HTC is watching and is interested in what is going on IN the game.

Suggestions like these are all well and good, but at times it "looks" like HTC couldn't care less about what is going on in the game. I know that isn't true, but it is the way it is perceived by many. From a company PR perspective this is a nightmare.

It wouldn't take someone from HTC more than a few minutes to read over this thread, and make a comment on it. The same goes for the 12 hour rule threads and the "dar down for 2 hour" threads that get so blown out of proportion due to a lack of response. I think a little info would go a long way in keeping PAYING players more content. Those players, being that much happier may give that to NEW players by letting them know whats going on. With info flowing.... even at a slow rate, it is far better for the game than all the speculation that is thrown out there.     

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2014, 12:37:31 PM »
Personally I'd like to see ANY kind of change. To me this would mean that HTC is watching and is interested in what is going on IN the game.
Suggestions like these are all well and good, but at times it "looks" like HTC couldn't care less about what is going on in the game. I know that isn't true, but it is the way it is perceived by many. From a company PR perspective this is a nightmare.

  There's an old saying that "perception is reality". This is so true.
My personal perception, developed over year and years of playing AH
and reading the forums is that there is no imperative felt by HTC
to make any dynamic changes to the game's structure.
  The game in its simplest form as a flight simulator is perfectly fine from
my perspective. The server side of the game which constantly amazes
me in how well  it works is also perfectly fine. (Kudos to Skuzzy)
  The rest of the game... well, frankly, it's boring and not geared
towards maintaining a healthy player base.
  Years back, the ack height and numbers of ack at fields was jacked
way up in response to the loud rantings of pilots dumb enough to continually
take off from a de-acked field, who subsequently got vulched... continually.
  So now we get a new breed of pilots: "the ack huggers".
When a field does get de-acked (99 percent of the time only a "small field"
as the others just contain way too much ack to bother with), 20 guys
jump into various flak-mobiles and "defend" it. End result, no fun "vulching"
and 20 less planes in the air.
  The "flags" in the town was a great idea, but is tactically oriented. It's the
operational and strategic aspect of the game which is going to hold peoples'
interest (or not). And this is territory where HTC is seemingly afraid to tread
for reasons known only to them and not shared in any detail with us, the user
  A prime example of this non-communications is the plethora of threads
with regards to the HQ system. The complaints couldn't be any louder, nor
numerous. And for feedback, we get.... chirp...chirp...
  Who knows. Maybe HTC thinks the operational/strategic aspect of the game
is just "awesome" and thus doesn't require any tinkering or re-thinking. We'll
never know, because there's pretty much just zero communications coming
out to the user base.

Offline bustr

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2014, 02:16:51 PM »
The same guys are unhappy if HiTech doesn't talk to them and the same guys want to argue him to death if he does. And if he doesn't like their ideas and change the game for them. They make sure in this public forum to bad mouth his product and business acumen to zilch as retribution.

He looses both ways.

It's the retribution part that makes that group seem like damaged goods. For whom the retribution will always mean more than anything HiTech can ever do after the first time they become unhappy over any tiny thing.

Any of you can stop subscribing and cut the cord of your unhappiness or worse some of you did that a long time ago but still hammer HiTech any chance you get. So there is no point to this retributive onslaught other than you are looking to be offended as a way of life and happen to benefit in your communication skills by an education.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Oddball-CAF

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2014, 03:04:56 PM »
  See rule #4
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 03:12:39 PM by hitech »

Offline xPoisonx

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2014, 03:16:21 PM »
See rule #4
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 03:25:21 PM by hitech »
you have a ego the size of Texas.
Quote from: hitech
Texas is big, but not THAT big.


Offline kvuo75

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Re: Ideas to help improve the current game.
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2014, 04:51:16 PM »
When a field does get de-acked (99 percent of the time only a "small field"
as the others just contain way too much ack to bother with), 20 guys
jump into various flak-mobiles and "defend" it. End result, no fun "vulching"
and 20 less planes in the air.

i have no sympathy for vulchers.. at all.

my favorite thing to do is kill them with 37mm field guns after they flew all the way to my base and are denied their free kill.

if you want the 20 planes in the air, don't pin them down to their base.. let them get in the air.

Kill the manned ack.