Author Topic: Game on, Weakbait.  (Read 8885 times)

Offline SkyRock

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #105 on: December 29, 2014, 10:36:39 PM »
I generally blow a lot of hot air... generally none of it true...

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Offline Someguy63

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #106 on: December 29, 2014, 10:42:34 PM »
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Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #107 on: December 29, 2014, 11:32:41 PM »
This is what I mean...if he kills you when you chose to fly your slow planes and doesn't play your game (ie., get in a turn fight with you, therefore giving up his advantage) is that his fault?  Its a win/win for you no matter what..

If you kill him flying your crappy are amazing because you won and beat someone in a better plane. YOU WIN
If he kills you, he sucks because you flew a harder plane (not his choice but yours). YOU WIN (because he chose easy planes but still killed you?).

You can't really complain about getting shot down in the MA...its an arena and you chose your weapon , you live or die with the the end it is still your choice.

The DA is a different animal because you get the same saw how that went. I'm amazed that you guys make so many excuses...we are going to need a Pre-Duel checklist in order to proceed:

Duel Excuses Checklist:
1. Have you consumed any alcoholic beverages within the last 24 hours? If YES (Reschedule) if NO (Continue).
2. Would you consider yourself to be "rusty" or not 100% ready for the duel? If YES  (Reschedule) if NO (Continue).
3. Is your joystick/PC/Internet connection FULLY operational? If YES: DUELS ON! If NO (Reschedule).





Do you play other combat flight sims, Skyrocked?  I'm pretty sure you and several others in your squad have stated in the past that AH was their only flight simulation experience.  If I'm wrong about this, so be it....but if I'm not..... how the hell would you actually know I'm wrong?

Unless, of course, you have other ulterior "trolling" of the very few things your squad is actually still proficient at these days. 
The Once and Former Fulcrum

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Offline glzsqd

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #108 on: December 29, 2014, 11:34:11 PM »
Post videos of the classic Greek matchs.
See Rule #4

Offline Zerstorer

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #109 on: December 29, 2014, 11:37:23 PM »
Post videos of the classic Greek matchs.

The Once and Former Fulcrum

In my experience, nothing is ever what it seems to be, but everything is exactly what it is.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #110 on: December 29, 2014, 11:41:48 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 02:51:13 PM by Skuzzy »
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline glzsqd

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #111 on: December 30, 2014, 12:14:31 AM »
(Image removed from quote.)

So does this mean you'll let me oil you up before your match with any one of the Muppets? :x

300 isn't an accurate representation because it didn't show the Spartans pre-battle Orgies.
See Rule #4

Offline Kruel

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #112 on: December 30, 2014, 12:59:27 AM »
Well then you obviously don't get it then. Planes do matter...I don't even understand how someone like yourself cannot understand that simple principle... If I kill you in a 1940 plane vs your 1945 temp. Obviously that took more skill/luck than if you would have killed me. Your plane was designed to have the advantage... Ie, that plane should win if flown properly, regardless if the other plane is flown properly.

I do get it, however, My problem is when you come across that competent pilot that does what he is supposed to do and kills you in your old plane. You shouldn't complain at that point..or even give that other guy grief, instead of "Waah You suck! Why don't you fly old planes like me/my friends" You can simply say "Well that guy did what he was supposed to do"...Now if that guy does what he is supposed to do every single time you are flying your old plane you can't really blame him..again..the weapon of choice is your own. You can't expect someone else to change their game around your desire to fly an old plane..

Yes getting more kills In harder planes does deserve more praise. Winning in easy mode planes should be expected. The logic is solid, they won wars because of this!!

And the MA is the "war" part, so if your objective is to get as many kills as possible as quickly as possible (As we have said it is for us) only makes sense to fly something that allows you to do that. Again this doesn't take away from the fact that people are less skilled or go to the DA for that...

You will see next tour when I only fly the temp. Won't be difficult to get easy kills and run home. It won't even be a challenge for me, which is why after 8 years of playing I don't care about getting caught up I'm slow fights. I've played the E game in the MA already. . But I'll prove how much of a joke flying the fastest planes and easiest planes are. You think that
makes you good or winning a scrimmage late night fight means something pffftt.... Come on.

I fully expect you to finish with a 200:0 KD if its so should be ranked top 5 and we should all marvel at your greatness..I'll pay your sub for 6 months if you finish in Top 5 with less than 10 deaths/captures with 300 kills and at least 8 KPH. Deal?
It was one fight. Do you think he has the confidence to fight me again? I've fought people hundreds of times in this game.. You think 5-1 to a solid record. That one crummy scrimmage match of mine means anything, hell  sure anyone would giving me a hard time.You think one joke film means you are better at flying overall in AH vs me and my sqaud?  please, you haven't even been around long enough to see most of the players. I laugh at your squads arrogance and again, rookines to AH.

If I played something for 8 years and someone who played for 1 came and beat me 5-1, even while drunk, I'd admit that person is probably pretty good (or better than me).

I challenge you to find one post were we say "We are Better than AoM" or "We are the Best squad in AH", what I can say is that If this is 1 year in, I wonder what it will be like at 3 years in..If someone was awesome at the game and they no longer play, it means nothing, you cant play against a memory..So I don't need to have played for 15 years to know who is good right now.

Yep we are arrogant, we didn't ask for help when we got here and that seems to tick people off, we don't fly by the same standards as some in the community and that ticks people off, we have a set ideology when it comes to combat and that ticks people off..

Damned if we do, no fun if we don't.

I can't wait till I get the opportunity to duel you all again.

Most impartial and competitive thing you have stated so far..

I bet I'd destroy any of you in the AvA arena, with no icons.. With axis vs allied planes that are somewhat even.. Yall couldn't even handle that. When you don't know I'm around I'm one of the most deadly. Infact, that would be awesome to have a big fight there.. See who's SA is really legit.

And now you ruined it...I mean you saw the typed it told Skyyr "He would not last 2 seconds against you in any plane in the DA" and he blew that outta the water. Now you say you'd destroy any of us as so matter of factly like we haven't played in an environment that has no icons and is truly representative of the plane set of different countries..implying the use of a skill that has nothing to do with mechanics and EVERYTHING to do with good habits in flying combat sims (SA), and you just said WE are arrogant..look in the mirror bruh.

Offline Debrody

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #113 on: December 30, 2014, 02:41:36 AM »
Kruel, the situation is the following:

"we" like to fight one way, what might not be the most effective, but is much more entertaining to actually turn your aircraft against a potent/equal opponent. Win or lose, does not matter because the fight was fun - like 3 years ago i have uploaded a ~7mins skirmish against Bighorn to this forum, belive me, that was the most fun fight this game and theese players could ever give me, even though i have lost that one. Check out that film.

"you" like to "fight" an other way, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, except two little things.
-it bores us. Not because "we" cannot point our nose up like anyone else, remember our fights in 190Ds, won some, lost some, wasnt bad at all, still i got bored because they were all the same: nose up, wep on, extend... idk if its just me being this much inpatient.
-some individuals (ehm) like to pose as the masters of the game because they have "SA and K/D über alles" mentality and they know how to energy-fight. It does not matter if they lose horribly when its about the actual turning. This behaviour just naturally irritates everyone therefore it is unacceptable for everyone. Every action results a reaction you know: here is the reaction for your masters provocation. Posting a youtube video from his every single kill with belittling comments... seriously what do you expect, should we remain friendly?
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Offline Copprhed

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #114 on: December 30, 2014, 06:25:03 AM »
In psychological terms, it's called "Little man syndrome", whereas the person uses the bigger better plane, and does ONLY what gets them "wins"(not unlike the winning that Charlie Sheen did). This is done because of gross feelings of inadequacy in real life. Cops carry larger gun, men drive flashy, sporty cars, etc....all because they fear their manhood is not up to par. Those of us who fight turny birds/older planes that are a REAL CHALLENGE to fight in don't have those feelings of "being less than", we don't care, because we KNOW we're REAL men in REAL LIFE, and that in this cartoon game winning with an advantage, like the Damned always use, is no real win.
Flight Leader: "Bogeys at 2 o'clock!"
Wingman: "Roger, It's 1:30 now, what do I do 'til then?"

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #115 on: December 30, 2014, 07:55:13 AM »
I do get it, however, My problem is when you come across that competent pilot that does what he is supposed to do and kills you in your old plane. You shouldn't complain at that point..or even give that other guy grief, instead of "Waah You suck! Why don't you fly old planes like me/my friends" You can simply say "Well that guy did what he was supposed to do"...Now if that guy does what he is supposed to do every single time you are flying your old plane you can't really blame him..again..the weapon of choice is your own. You can't expect someone else to change their game around your desire to fly an old plane..

And the MA is the "war" part, so if your objective is to get as many kills as possible as quickly as possible (As we have said it is for us) only makes sense to fly something that allows you to do that. Again this doesn't take away from the fact that people are less skilled or go to the DA for that...

I fully expect you to finish with a 200:0 KD if its so should be ranked top 5 and we should all marvel at your greatness..I'll pay your sub for 6 months if you finish in Top 5 with less than 10 deaths/captures with 300 kills and at least 8 KPH. Deal?
If I played something for 8 years and someone who played for 1 came and beat me 5-1, even while drunk, I'd admit that person is probably pretty good (or better than me).

I challenge you to find one post were we say "We are Better than AoM" or "We are the Best squad in AH", what I can say is that If this is 1 year in, I wonder what it will be like at 3 years in..If someone was awesome at the game and they no longer play, it means nothing, you cant play against a memory..So I don't need to have played for 15 years to know who is good right now.

Yep we are arrogant, we didn't ask for help when we got here and that seems to tick people off, we don't fly by the same standards as some in the community and that ticks people off, we have a set ideology when it comes to combat and that ticks people off..

Damned if we do, no fun if we don't.

Most impartial and competitive thing you have stated so far..

And now you ruined it...I mean you saw the typed it told Skyyr "He would not last 2 seconds against you in any plane in the DA" and he blew that outta the water. Now you say you'd destroy any of us as so matter of factly like we haven't played in an environment that has no icons and is truly representative of the plane set of different countries..implying the use of a skill that has nothing to do with mechanics and EVERYTHING to do with good habits in flying combat sims (SA), and you just said WE are arrogant..look in the mirror bruh.

I'll take you up on that deal. 300 kills with = or < than 10 deaths. You can marvel at my dweebery in noobs planes. It won't be my first time in the top 5. Hopefully I'll have enough time to reach 300 kills from my personal life.

Just like me saying, yeah flying harder planes makes combat more difficult against uber rides in the MA, you post videos on youtube in Uber planes claiming some kind of air superiority when its obvious that you needed to fly easier mode planes in order to achieve that success. So where is the superiority?? How does that make you a good pilot when you have to fly easy planes? All it shows is that y'all have to fly with a crutch because once you lose speed advantage its game over. If you should have gotten the kill from flying Uber rides, how does that make you better than everyone else to defame any of the individuals and mock them by posting videos of them while you are in a Uber plane that can escape fights.... All it proves is a lack of character.

Our fights were joke, what don't y'all understand about that. It proved nothing. It was mearly a scrimmage match, but of course that shows my "true" skill... Right... All it was was out roping on the merge after the first 2 fights from a clear lack of speed on the merge. That proves nothing other than he can perform a rope on me when he has more speed.  He thinks one halfass fight vs me means he is better, That is BS. It was stupid of me to even accept that fight in the first place given the circumstances, congrats on the freebee, I'm glad you feel accomplished over a half hearted fight.

Like I said, flying those types of planes, and only using that E style, does not train you to be good at defensive flying when planes jump your 6 and you can't run away. It's clear that your whole squad lacks those skills. I've went a way from E flying in order to perfect defensive style techniques, which is why I can fly more chellenging planes and still he successful. What we have here is a dragster vs stock car race.

Like I said, I'd like a rematch/duel verse all of the damned pilots.

And yeah, I was talking watermelon about the AvA arena. Since realism matters so much. Just thought I'd add a little more fuel to the fire :D
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline Kruel

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #116 on: December 30, 2014, 09:20:59 AM »
Oh boy…deep breath, here we go

Kruel, the situation is the following:

"we" like to fight one way, what might not be the most effective, but is much more entertaining to actually turn your aircraft against a potent/equal opponent.

It is more entertaining for YOU, doesn’t mean it is for other people. In the MA, we tend to avoid turn fighting because we want to kill as many as possible as effectively as possible..that’s what WE find entertaining, but we don’t tell other people how much they suck because they turn fight, we tell them its ineffective vs E Fighting and its less optimal in a multiple target setting, because well, it is..
Where we come from we don’t make fun of people because they killed us using a particular flight style or plane, we just simply up something equal or fly differently and try to get even.

Win or lose, does not matter because the fight was fun - like 3 years ago i have uploaded a ~7mins skirmish against Bighorn to this forum, belive me, that was the most fun fight this game and these players could ever give me, even though i have lost that one. Check out that film.

That’s grand and all, we have fought with Krupinski for hours in the DA just messing around, at one point  I started to E fight and he didn’t feel like it, so we jumped in Spit Vs and started turn fighting, but that is the DA messing around, if we are in the MA or DA in a formal duel, I am going to fight my fight and you are going to fight your fight, whom ever is better wins, end of story. If you beat me while turn fighting that means you were better, if you beat me while E fighting, still doesn’t change the outcome, you were better, if you beat me shutting off your engine, still doesn’t change the fact that you beat me. The end result is all that matters to us. A lot of people here do a lot of whining because they got beat instead of looking in the mirror and saying “how can I get better”.

"you" like to "fight" an other way, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, except two little things.
-it bores us.

So one of the reasons our flight style is wrong is because it bores you…again….you guys say we are arrogant but this sounds pretty arrogant to me…You might not LIKE our style because it bores you..but there is nothing wrong with it. And if a good E fighter is effective against you and you get killed or its boring to you..that’s your problem. Don’t ask other people to change their game for you.

Not because "we" cannot point our nose up like anyone else, remember our fights in 190Ds, won some, lost some, wasnt bad at all, still i got bored because they were all the same: nose up, wep on, extend... idk if its just me being this much inpatient.
-some individuals (ehm) like to pose as the masters of the game because they have "SA and K/D über alles" mentality and they know how to energy-fight. It does not matter if they lose horribly when its about the actual turning.
This behaviour just naturally irritates everyone therefore it is unacceptable for everyone. Every action results a reaction you know: here is the reaction for your masters provocation. Posting a youtube video from his every single kill with belittling comments... seriously what do you expect, should we remain friendly?

If you think its just pointing your nose up and hitting WEP then you don’t know much about E Fighting, instead of taking that attitude I would probably look towards myself and see how I could get better, If I didn’t want to E fight I would try and see how I can cut a corner to force the stall fight or turn fight that I want or excel at. Its about making the opponent fight your fight and not the other way around.

I challenge you to find one post were anyone of us says we are masters of AH in ANY aspect. You won’t find it.

Haven’t you noticed that the only videos posted are of your squad and maybe a few other individuals..haven’t you also noticed that these people go out of their way to point it out to us how much we suck because we fly This plane or fight this way? Not everyone winds up on YouTube with belittling comments..just the folks that deserve it. We have had MANY friendly fights vs all types of people..none of them are on YouTube.

The behavior irritates those who let it irritate them, and you and your squad are not “everyone”.  Some people agree. Some don't care, some disagree.

You dueled Skyyr yourself and not all the fights were pure Energy fights, you still lost resoundingly. A lot of the films, especially the compilations and montages show a lot of overshooting and defensive rolling scissors..if you don’t see that because your hate is blinding you that’s your problem..again.

We understand that defensive maneuvering is an important skill to have but we don’t see it as the BEST skill to have, the best skill to have is the one that never puts you in a position to be defensive if you don’t have to be. Its about killing the other guy..that’s the final objective of the game anyway.

We can turn and burn all day while messing around in the DA and have a ball. But if we are going to be in the MA or DA (formal duels) we are going to use every advantage we can to win. Because that’s what is fun to us. If you don’t like it..thats your problem.

We are not asking you to fly better planes or chose a certain flight style…that’s your choice and you live with the results.

And, no, we don’t want you to be friendly, quite the contrary, we thrive and enjoy animosity and competition.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 09:33:47 AM by Kruel »

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #117 on: December 30, 2014, 09:42:30 AM »
In psychological terms, it's called "Little man syndrome", whereas the person uses the bigger better plane, and does ONLY what gets them "wins"(not unlike the winning that Charlie Sheen did). This is done because of gross feelings of inadequacy in real life. Cops carry larger gun, men drive flashy, sporty cars, etc....all because they fear their manhood is not up to par. Those of us who fight turny birds/older planes that are a REAL CHALLENGE to fight in don't have those feelings of "being less than", we don't care, because we KNOW we're REAL men in REAL LIFE, and that in this cartoon game winning with an advantage, like the Damned always use, is no real win.

I drive a mini-van, I must be the realest man evar...

I totally use this game to make me feel like less of a man and I fly less challenging planes because my real life maniless is so epic...all because I drive a minivan... :rofl

You can't possibly be serious lolol..
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 09:44:57 AM by Kruel »

Offline Debrody

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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #118 on: December 30, 2014, 10:03:57 AM »
I was trying not to throw up a wall of text; exuse me for doing this.
It is more entertaining for YOU, doesn’t mean it is for other people. There are also 2 places to have this happen, in the MA, we tend to avoid turn fighting because we want to kill as many as possible as effectively as possible..that’s what WE find entertaining, but we don’t tell other people how much they suck because they turn fight, we tell them its ineffective vs E Fighting and its less optimal in a multiple target setting, because well, it is..
Faulthy logic there, i have never seen You personally belittling people, unlike some of your squaddies, including the CO. Your words would be true if you were saying "I" instead of "we".
Dont let me wrong, i have won the last October's fighter tour only flying the D9, and i was doing all the energy-fighting stuff, but once i had the chance to do some turny stuff in an 1v1, ask anyone how i was flying the D9.

Where we come from we don’t make fun of people because they killed us using a particular flight style or plane, we just simply up something equal or fly differently and try to get even.That’s grand and all, we have fought with Krupinski for hours in the DA just messing around, at one point  I started to E fight and he didn’t feel like it, so we jumped in Spit Vs and started turn fighting, but that is the DA messing around, if we are in the MA or DA in a formal duel, I am going to fight my fight and you are going to fight your fight, whom ever is better wins, end of story. If you beat me while turn fighting that means you were better, if you beat me while E fighting, still doesn’t change the outcome, you were better, if you beat me shutting off your engine, still doesn’t change the fact that you beat me. The end result is all that matters to us. A lot of people here do a lot of whining because they got beat instead of looking in the mirror and saying “how can I get better”.
How i can get better? No way i can get any better, will only get worse with the time, reached my personal limits a long time ago. Back to the topic, it does not change the fact that i have found our duels to be a bit boring. They were not "bad", just boring, when all the fights were pretty much the same. Varietas delectat, the wise people say. Some E-fighting in one fight then some turny stuff in an other would have been much better for "my" taste. Again, i do not care about the results.

It is more entertaining for YOU, doesn’t mean it is for other people. In the MA, we tend to avoid turn fighting because we want to kill as many as possible as effectively as possible..that’s what WE find entertaining, but we don’t tell
So one of the reasons our flight style is wrong is because it bores you…again….you guys say we are arrogant but this sounds pretty arrogant to me…You might not LIKE our style because it bores you..but there is nothing wrong with it. And if a good E fighter is effective against you and you get killed or its boring to you..that’s your problem. Don’t ask other people to change their game for you.
Hey stop for a minute... did i say anything wrong about your flying when we were in that private arena? I dont think so. Fought your fight, won some, lost some, but got bored because all the fights were the same and left you with Krup. It does not change the fact that i found that if you were forced to fight my fight, you would have been dead very quickly. And? Who cares? Are you belittling people like your CO does? No? Then whats the question?

If you think its just pointing your nose up and hitting WEP then you don’t know much about E Fighting, instead of taking that attitude I would probably look towards myself and see how I could get better, If I didn’t want to E fight I would try and see how I can cut a corner to force the stall fight or turn fight that I want or excel at. Its about making the opponent fight your fight and not the other way around.
Do you think i know nothing about energy-fighting? D9 - nuff said. By the way, do you know what knife-fighting is about? check this out.,329313.0.html
Im curious about your opinion about this film, what i was doing wrong and right in the said fight. Thanks in advance.

I challenge you to find one post were anyone of us says we are masters of AH in ANY aspect. You won’t find it.
Skyyr's youtube channel, any video. Can i get my beer?

The behavior irritates those who let it irritate them, and you and your squad are not “everyone”.  Some people agree. Some don't care, some disagree.

You dueled Skyyr yourself and not all the fights were pure Energy fights, you still lost resoundingly. A lot of the films, especially the compilations and montages show a lot of overshooting and defensive rolling scissors..if you don’t see that because your hate is blinding you that’s your problem..again.
It does not change the fact that trying to irritate people is pure bad willing and is not considered as a respectable human behaviour, at least where i live it isnt.

Did skyr show you those flims when he lost though? Once we were co-E, he lost in the scissors, reversal attempts and stuff you have listed. And? What does this prove to you or me? Also, me hating? Seriously, im not 16 any more, how could i hate for example you when i dont even know who you are? If i were hating you, then i wasnt talking to you in this genre, withouth f-bombs or j-words. Please consider this and do not be a paranoid.

We understand that defensive maneuvering is an important skill to have but we don’t see it as the BEST skill to have, the best skill to have is the one that never puts you in a position to be defensive if you don’t have to be. Its about killing the other guy..that’s the final objective of the game anyway.
Uhm... what if thats not true? What if some other people have fun in actual skirmishing insead of cherrying, BnZing, roping? Again, check out the topic i have posted above: the best and most fun fight i have ever had in this game.

We are not asking you to fly better planes or chose a certain flight style…that’s your choice and you live with the results.

And, no, we don’t want you to be friendly, quite the contrary, we thrive and enjoy animosity and competition.
Did i ask you to choose an other aircraft? Did i ask you to circle jerk on the deck til i can finally kill you? I dont think so. Only gave voice to my opinion that the fighting style you have showed in our duels were pretty much one-dimensional, therefore it started to bore me after a while. Also have stated that those fights werent bad at all, haven't i?

Look, there is one part of the playerbase who have earned everyone's respect through the years. Not only with the flying style they have showed but also with the human behaviour they gave to the community. Let me throw up some names, only for the example: Greebo, Delirium, Soulyss, Junky, TC, Pervert, Nrshida etc etc. Belive me, those people never ever act like what you favorise in your CO. Also they CAN fly for sure.
"I" ("we", my kind of people) think that that is the way this games is meant to be played.

Please forgive me for my poor english skills and the typos. Im not native english.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 10:12:53 AM by Debrody »
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Re: Game on, Weakbait.
« Reply #119 on: December 30, 2014, 10:48:23 AM »
Did skyr show you those flims when he lost though? Once we were co-E, he lost in the scissors, reversal attempts and stuff you have listed.

Our duels are public, and I've never made any attempt to edit or otherwise hide the few losses that did occur. The entire fight is completely unedited, final score: 8-4.

In case you assumed we edited the fights, please see here - I can assure you we did not:

To address your statements -

Fight #1 was six-minute long pure turnfight
Fight #3 showcases a kill where I reversed and won a flat scissors with a vertical offset
Fight #8 shows me reversing and killing you, despite you having a 34mph advantage on the merge and me suffering a one-way collision

I was also slower than you on every merge, except for duel numbers #10 (I had a 5mph advantage) and #11 (I had a 6mph advantage), both of which were Spitfire 8 duels.

So with that, why you keep stating that we can't win when forced to turn or play an angles game is beyond me. The above shows that to be false.

We are here to play the game the way we enjoy playing it. We don't expect others to play our way, nor are we going to accommodate others' requests to play their way. We are not here to make the game fun for others, nor are we concerned if our playstyle is boring to our opponents. We are here to win, as showcased above.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 10:56:27 AM by Skyyr »

166 - 190
198 - 204
218 - 220
286 - 287
290 - ---

nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
A few moments later...

vs Shane: 28-9

"Some men just want to watch the world burn."