Tried setting structure to .0001 of 1000lb bomb and time .03. No change, but, about 6 builds ago on sunday night it was working for everything I set it on. I tried adjusting other object's settings with only the time seeming to change like 140 hours to 120 hours and things like that. I should try something like a fuel storage tank on the base and change it's 1000lb bomb setting so a single 37mm will pop it as a test.
I was thinking of creating a bombing target with buildings in concentric rings or some pattern like that. Then find out how to create an air spawn for bombers to pop them up to a good training altitude. Or several air spawns with different alt. That way you can bomb, bail, and re-spawn in a short time period. Maybe even put in a port near by. Can the CV have a default patrol pattern set so when you first start up the map it is running in one of those standard defensive circles we use in the MA to thwart bomb runs? Might be of some use to players who like to bomb them. And setting the down time to 30 seconds will help.
The objects like tanks and buildings I set on the terrain, when they are destroyed are they supposed to not give a message about their destruction? Making a giant bombing target with a pattern of buildings, that would be helpful feedback for the player practicing level bombing. I would put in a town for this but, a bombing target made of destroyable buildings is a neat touch.
This is all the things I used to wish for in the wish list for offline training, and the wishes of some other players over the years. Hopefully it's something I can present as a download like my old Historic Pack of gunsights.