116 got NUTS after th einitial attack I tell ya. When half our guys were rearming a 111 showed up to vulch rearming aircraft so they towered out.
I ran into a very small invisible building at the rearm pad and had to ditch. BLBird rearmed and took off when a swarm os 109s showed up to deack it. He escaped and landed at an alrernate field. No way he was going to survive what looked like at least 9, 109s with altitude and energy. Poison to a low and slow P40. It was a miracle he escaped.
1, 109 chased him to field 110 where they danced an energy game before the 109 gave up and left.
We usually take back off and either go hunting or maintain a defensive posture over a target field. Always fun...
In some instances we have been known to take bombers on a second run if we know we have escorts available to us.