Author Topic: Rulz is rulz...  (Read 3548 times)

Offline Scca

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Rulz is rulz...
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:04:57 PM »
I thought I would address this with the FSO community to see what you folks think. 

FSO is a different beast than the MA.  In FSO each scenario comes with it a set of rules that most times are adhered to.  Most squads work within the rules provided, but in the last two months my squad has been presented with two instances where the rules were broken.  Once it was a bomber alt cap, the other was a violation of the hit target by T+60 rule. 

My question is, how best are these situations handled (points penalties? etc) in the communities opinion?  The CM's have their opinion, I want to know what the participants think.  Perhaps if we as a group can come to some sort of understanding, and present it as a "crowd sourced" opinion, there will be an expectation that it is acceptable to everyone (most everyone anyway), and it can be followed. 

Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 04:42:13 PM »
The best thing to do is film it and send it to the CM's and let them handle it.
Quote by Delirium:
Frankly, I'd rather be a fluffer at a gay porcupine film company than be a CM.
God bless the CMs for putting up with this community.
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2015, 09:58:59 PM »
Most of the time, in the two examples you listed, the punishment is simply a point deduction from the final score.  If a specific squad repeatedly violates the rules, then the punishment is usually more severe.  Most of the time, these two rules don't get broken on purpose.  It's usually an accident when a bomber goes over the alt limit, or the strike doesn't make it to target on time. 

CMDR Branch37
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Offline Scca

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2015, 07:10:59 AM »
Most of the time, in the two examples you listed, the punishment is simply a point deduction from the final score. 

That's part of why I am posting this, I'm not seeing it.  There seems to be a reluctance to apply penalties. 

It's usually an accident when a bomber goes over the alt limit, or the strike doesn't make it to target on time. 
I agree to an extent.  I am not talking about 100 feet over the limit or 1 person over commitment, I am talking about 4,000 feet over the limit or several over commitment.  That is a result of poor planning, and a blatant disregard for the rules. 

If we could all agree on how penalties be applied (small error, small penalty, big error, BIG penalty), then it's transparent, and expected. 
Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2015, 09:02:47 PM »
That's part of why I am posting this, I'm not seeing it.  There seems to be a reluctance to apply penalties. 
I agree to an extent.  I am not talking about 100 feet over the limit or 1 person over commitment, I am talking about 4,000 feet over the limit or several over commitment.  That is a result of poor planning, and a blatant disregard for the rules. 

If we could all agree on how penalties be applied (small error, small penalty, big error, BIG penalty), then it's transparent, and expected.
I agree with these points except the squad commitment - especially when a squad is over the limit. I will never tell a squaddie that they can't fly if they show up.. And I know I'm not alone when I say that.
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2015, 08:43:00 AM »
153 views, 4 comments  :headscratch:

I guess the FSO community doesn't give a hoot about staying true to the rules, much less the spirit of the rules. 

At least I know the AK's will continue to do their level best and hope the CM's will take infractions seriously and have some backbone when it comes to imposing sanctions against those who fail at basic reading comprehension. 

We enjoy FSO and take it very seriously.  It's sad that other squads bring their MA mentality to this special event.  Bombing towns to get their name in lights (even though no points are awarded), leaving your bombers to attack an inbound strike you happen across, ignoring orders and free lancing when you are assigned an escort mission and flying your bombers in at 19K when the cap is 15K makes it hard to have fun some days. 
Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
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Offline Nefarious

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2015, 09:13:32 AM »
I was kind of holding my comments in hopes there would be more discussion.

I will chime in as soon as I can.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2015, 09:38:56 AM »
  It's sad that other squads bring their MA mentality to this special event.

I agree whole heartedly. I find the actions of a few egocentric morons very quickly ruin the tone of an event (scenarios in particular), and I am very hesitant to take part in any events.

There is a strong backbone of good people that do the events, but a few bad eggs can do a lot of damage.
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2015, 10:56:29 AM »
LilMak has the reigns for the 56th in FSO - I know he has turned squaddies away to stay under our commitment.  We have been dinged for that.

I agree with SCCA - this is NOT the MA.  Leaders need to ensure their members understand this.
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2015, 02:37:47 PM »
I think being 1 or 2 over a commiment is ok. More players mean more action. As for breaking rules yes I agree the punishments should be doled out. But CM's may be worried about running people out of FSO also. So it is a 2 edged sword in a way. We need all the people we can get but also want people that are going to follow the rules. A whole squad breaking the alt caps or not hitting targets on time are not good for FSO so it may be better if they weren't.
We have the rules in place for a reason and people should not think that the rules don't apply to them just because of who or what squad they are with.
 :airplane:  :salute
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 02:39:59 PM by noman »
Quote by Delirium:
Frankly, I'd rather be a fluffer at a gay porcupine film company than be a CM.
God bless the CMs for putting up with this community.
Sic Pups        MA
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Offline noman

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2015, 02:42:54 PM »
why send your squaddies away? Send them to a squad that has open slots to be filled. There are always squads with open slots.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 02:45:22 PM by noman »
Quote by Delirium:
Frankly, I'd rather be a fluffer at a gay porcupine film company than be a CM.
God bless the CMs for putting up with this community.
Sic Pups        MA
412th FNVG   FSO

Offline snakeplissken

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2015, 05:06:01 PM »
You know the best part of being an FSO CM?  The ice cream... No, wait, wrong movie.  The best part is the FSO community.  You guys know the rules and everyone makes a concerted effort to follow them.  As to violations like an alt cap . . . the Admin CM's take care of that.  Language and behavior are watched by the Setups.  But, (knock on wood) the problems are usually minor and we all have lots of tools.

However, one of the replies above discusses squad numbers.  Let me tell you my point of view as a Setup.  The numbers rules are in place to allow the Admins to split sides in accordance with their idea of the event.  But, there is also a "fudge" of 2 people over or under.  It's a planning thing by the Admins and also allows the CIC to plot attacks and stay within minimum and maximum on plane numbers.  With that said, we look at trends in numbers.  If your squad doesn't make numbers in a frame, we may (read will) note that... nothing more.  The remedy is to ask you to adjust your numbers for next frame.  We understand that life happens.  However, it is my personal policy NEVER to turn away players because of numbers.  Sure if the event totals 300 to 100 (remember the old days?)  that's gonna be ugly.  Still if your squad is over / under, then PM the Setup and let him advise the Admin.  Don't turn away players.  That said, don't put them in planes that go over maximums either.  If in doubt... ask.  The CMs are there for you guys.
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2015, 05:14:38 PM »
153 views, 4 comments  :headscratch:

I guess the FSO community doesn't give a hoot about staying true to the rules, much less the spirit of the rules. 

At least I know the AK's will continue to do their level best and hope the CM's will take infractions seriously and have some backbone when it comes to imposing sanctions against those who fail at basic reading comprehension. 

We enjoy FSO and take it very seriously.  It's sad that other squads bring their MA mentality to this special event.  Bombing towns to get their name in lights (even though no points are awarded), leaving your bombers to attack an inbound strike you happen across, ignoring orders and free lancing when you are assigned an escort mission and flying your bombers in at 19K when the cap is 15K makes it hard to have fun some days.

last week I was thinking the allied Bombers where too high and was gonna bitc...err whine about it..... :D

but they were well within max ALT....of 24K at 19K

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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2015, 05:49:01 PM »
We are walking a balancing act these days in fso. We need players yet if we bend the rules to far we lose our integrity that makes fso the best thing in AH.
like pliss said long gone are the days when to many peps was a problem i can see nothing being said about squads going over a frame or 2. But if we do start
to ignore what the cm's set as the frame work of the scenario then we really have no rules and fso is gone. On a personal note what seems missing from the main is respect of fellow players best thing about fso is that respect is present here. Bottom line to me is it is up to us to make sure we follow the main hard rules <sure some drunk squaddie gonna pop another 1 someone lets extra in psssh who cares> but when its 24k we honor that if fighters have a no fly line we honor it. We always have been self policing I imagine we always will.<S>
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Re: Rulz is rulz...
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2015, 11:57:34 PM »
The simple answer is if you film it, send it to the CMs.  They send email to the squad in violation and get it corrected internally.   :police:

Believe me, we all care. 

My film was sent in tonight!    :cheers:

vCSG-3, VMA-513 Flying Nightmares (AV8B)