Darn good idea Zack! How about Snailman and Latrobe heads on one body, would that be the ultimate AH player? LOL
That creature made of two highly incompatible players would just sit in the tower, arguing with itself all day:
Look! A horde over our field! Quick, up a 109 and have fun... let's see how many we can take with us before going down
- No! We should take of 2 sectors away in a 262 and come in on them at 20k!(If they are still there, that is...)
I'm bored... Let's rattle their cage on 200 and fly low and slow over their base
- No, let's up a B-29 and spend 60 minutes in an exciting climbout
We are hit.... oh, it's only the rudder... we don't need no stinkin rudder! Ain't even got a single kill yet...
- We've been HIT? Were are DAMAGED? OMG... we must dive home at once!
Hello guys, where's the fight?
- Hold your horses! First, we have to examine the map... very carefully! Maybe we can spot another strat raider within the hour!