Well, that is the desired "end state" I'm after.
But I've not need, nor the desire to be another Machiavelli. I simply don't have
the time nor the inclination for that.
As well, to be frank, the game itself is much too simplistic and stale at the moment
to allow for much of anything beyond a simple "cookie cutter approach" to
anything, be it a capture effort, a fighter sweep, a bomber mission, a strats strike,
or just plain old "furballing" which is a LOT of fun, but which is getting harder and
harder to find on many of the maps in use. They are simply WAY too large to
encourage large, fun fights except in occasional instances.
So, the way I see it, the way to inject some additional fun into the game and
-encourage- larger, more intense battles is to give both the "enemy" and
friendly units a "goal" on a particular area of the map; draw them in on a
larger scale to a certain area of operations.
People in the main will populate a certain area(s) of the map in anticipation
of "action" of some sort. Right now, it's spread all over the map and not very
intense at all.
My intent is to "populate" an area of say, 4 grids with fighters, bombers, jabos,
and perhaps even GVs with Rook squadrons. However, and this is important,
it can't be one massive "horde" which will quickly overwhelm the enemy
or an airfield, thus "killing the fight".
I want the "enemy" to know we are working a particular 4 grid area, but
not to know which of the numerous field(s) is our ultimate objective.
In theory, this will draw a lot of enemy fighters/squadrons away from far flung/
low intensity combat and into that four grid area.
Another important aspect of it will be encouraging the Rook squadron COs
(if any get involved in this) to work their part of the operation in such a manner
as to -encourage- a good fight. For example, running a bomber mission at 10K
instead of 20K, but running escorts with it. (Perhaps another Rook squadron.)
This naturally allows for more enemy fighter attacks which is going to be WAY
more fun than an unopposed 20K bomber mission.
The bombers get a cheap headrush being attacked, the escorts get to do some
dancing, and the enemy gets to shoot down some bombers and/or fighters.
Everybody "wins" in the grand scheme of things.
The main ingredient for this is of course squadrons; functional squadrons
and I do not foresee it as a 24/7 thing. I see it as basically "the one night
during the week when the Rooks do some organized stuff".
The Rook squadron COs have grown their herds over the weeks, months,
years. Now it's time to put 'em to use; one night per week. The ball is being
placed firmly in their hands.
Best regards,
Commanding Officer
The 47 Ronin