Author Topic: Patch 70 and water anomaly update  (Read 414 times)


  • Plutonium Member
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Patch 70 and water anomaly update
« on: August 17, 2015, 11:25:03 PM »
Initially was having the white screen of death type crash Then read the CDT thread and DLed and installed  the DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) as Buster did. Even though Im running XP still and not 7. Didnt think about it till after I clicked the EXE

Link included here in case anyone else has a need'

The game works.
Dont know if it was something in Patch 70 or in the Direct X. But the game works and so far no more black blocks on water. It now at least for the moment seems to render as it should

I even had it running with full graphics maxed out at 4K+ textures and a custom cockpit config of 85 (I like many, hate the default setting) just to check and put it through its paces as I test this machines limits for my own hahas.

Of coarse as I expected at those settings the game ran almost like a slideshow while low over the base at about 20 FPS But actually was much higher as I gained alt or went over water 30-45+ PFS. Jumping in late on a mission seemed to have no ill effects either.

Screenshots attached

The game does run so far

I'll try backing off little by little to see what works and looks best.. It runs at stock game settings just fine. At least with aircraft anyway. I know more tweaking will need ot be done with a full arena. But for the moment. The black water problem seems to be gone.

Im still holding off installing 7. I figure if Im still running XP. Someone else is bound to come along that is also.
Dont know how much of my info will be helpful. But figure Ill throw out there what I can

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Ask those who have been before you
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