Hello Ink. We don't think you are complaining and are always happy to listen to ideas. We ran enemy dar bar last night and full friendly radar. Nef is a Dreamer and he is always tweaking the event to make it better. We will debate your thoughts (possibly endlessly) but ultimately the call is made by Nef (usually with HTC approval but, Skuzzy let's the dreamers run their event. Until there is a reason for him to step in.) Also wanted to thank you for the kind compliments you posted on the thread below. Here's a Stat for you: Nef dreamed up the idea for this event, floated it to HTC and runs it completely (with a small amount of technical help from yours truly). But he has never flown a single CC. Every time I tell him, I will run the arena and he can fly. Nope. He always makes sure the event runs for you guys... Just wanted to brag on my boss for this event. 
I would have flown it again last night but my oldest daughter came by to visit.....
and bolded in Red is all that I ask...

Nef is a man I respect...what you list is just one of the reasons

Hi Ink. I hear what you're saying, but IMHO, i really like the short 3k Icon range. It adds to the fog of war, and makes it a more intense fight. When all of a sudden I see 4 or 5 enemy pop out of nowhere and they are 2.5k out and closing, I get an adrenaline rush
, and have to make quick decisions to stay alive. 
Also, just my theory, but because icons are short, there are less fights were people run/extend. In the MA sometimes your stuck chasing an enemy 5.5k out and slowwwwly closing on them, they know they are being chased and you know you are chasing them. With short icons, the fight usually starts within 3k, so its harder to extend or run away from the fight.
Also with friendly dot dar up, it's a bit easier to make sure that you don't chase friendly dots, needlessly.
I hope I do not discourage additional comments/suggestions, just wanted to put my opinion out there as well. 

I appreciate your response and I can understand the "fog of war" aspect you speak of....
my first thought was...I never chase anyone in the MA

seriously though I don't chase anyone.... screw that if they don't want to fight...I let them run...or should I say...I let them go get the ALT/friends they need to feel comfortable with engaging...
I would think the type of person who flies these type of scenarios are more about the fight then the typical MA player...(I know not all of them are)
I literally flew past at least 5 different areas that had a lot of enemy in, but I had no clue they were there...(that was just in one sortie)
when I saw that....... I was just bummed that there was that many fight opportunities that I completely missed out on....
and I certainly understand the adrenaline rush...

that's what keeps me coming back...but I get a heck of a lot more adrenaline fighting 4...5....6...7.. guys than anything else