<S> Devil . It was fun . Took out some buffs then after a rearm flew south to find our CO engaged with a couple 109's . Got one and had pretty good hits on another and then it seemed like 2 or 3 109's turned into 5 or 6 lol . I think sukov ruined my hurri after that lol. <S> LTG
My FSO AAR is dang near identical, outside the fact I was landing to rearm while our CO ( Nefarious ), 38maw and T2maw were already up and heading toward SW of A39 from A38...
At first it seemed like my 412th Members were holding their own, but PW here, PW there...and a bunch of Hurricane 1's that looked worse than shredded swiss cheese, we all slowly began to go down in flames....
Nef was RTB with a pilot wound, as I was entering the fight and when I called out for 38maw to check 6 he came back over comms, "I'm blacked out/PW'ed" ...38 hung in there for a pretty good bit after that , seemed like anywhere from 4 to 6? 109E4's against 38maw, T2maw and myself ( sorry if I left anyone out, it was quite busy there )
Had a blast, fun fights all..... there at the end it seemed like dejavu from a fight I had just experienced roughly 2 weeks ago or so..... then it was apparent why I thought that, after seeing Sukov was the victor of my last battle... ( we had just fought each other in KOTH recently, couple weeks ago ).......
<S> all