Author Topic: Positive Changes  (Read 1210 times)

Offline 49ZERO

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Positive Changes
« on: October 10, 2015, 09:48:07 AM »
Proposal 1. {Reward Selfless Acts} Increase the perks awarded and score awarded for destroying the following: auto guns, ordinance bunkers, Troop barracks and hangers. I believe this would increase team play.

Proposal 2. { Limited ENY} ENY does not become active until the arena has 200 players. I believe this would limit the negative effect of tower rangers.

Proposal 3. { Friendly Dots Sector Only} The radar bar would stay the same. Players would need to be in the same sector to see who is flying there. This would have a positive effect on running missions and doing low altitude strikes. This would also limit the ability of head hunting.

Proposal 4. { Advertisement} I believe more players more fun. I understand that advertisement costs money. Would we the players be willing to pay a little more per month if we had a guarantee that it would be spent on advertisement? I personally could part with 2 more dollars a month in return for more fun.

Inclosing I only want to see this game return to the glory years. I believe by making this game more team friendly it would appeal to a larger player base.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2015, 09:55:53 AM »
how about not taking the hq down just because you can.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline 49ZERO

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2015, 09:59:56 AM »
The only reason I attack any strategic target, including HQ is to help the war effort. I thank you for your positive feedback on my proposals.

Online DmonSlyr

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2015, 10:00:42 AM »
Proposal 1. {Reward Selfless Acts} Increase the perks awarded and score awarded for destroying the following: auto guns, ordinance bunkers, Troop barracks and hangers. I believe this would increase team play.

Proposal 2. { Limited ENY} ENY does not become active until the arena has 200 players. I believe this would limit the negative effect of tower rangers.

Proposal 3. { Friendly Dots Sector Only} The radar bar would stay the same. Players would need to be in the same sector to see who is flying there. This would have a positive effect on running missions and doing low altitude strikes. This would also limit the ability of head hunting.

Proposal 4. { Advertisement} I believe more players more fun. I understand that advertisement costs money. Would we the players be willing to pay a little more per month if we had a guarantee that it would be spent on advertisement? I personally could part with 2 more dollars a month in return for more fun.

Inclosing I only want to see this game return to the glory years. I believe by making this game more team friendly it would appeal to a larger player base.

1  and 2  are decent I don't see anything wrong with that.

Not sure what you implying with 3

4. It's a bad idea to raise prices while demand is decreasing. That go against economic principle. That being said, advertisement will be crucial, however, it's best to save the money until the new version and then make an advertising campaign based on that.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 10:11:32 AM by DmonSlyr »
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Offline 49ZERO

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2015, 10:07:28 AM »
Friendly dots in sector only, is to limit the enemy's ability to see all flights by being logged in a tower.

Offline caldera

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2015, 10:09:24 AM »
Proposal 1. {Reward Selfless Acts} Increase the perks awarded and score awarded for destroying the following: auto guns, ordinance bunkers, Troop barracks and hangers. I believe this would increase team play.  Selfless acts?  The people that kill ack guns do so in order to vulch without any danger whatsoever.

Proposal 2. { Limited ENY} ENY does not become active until the arena has 200 players. I believe this would limit the negative effect of tower rangers.  If team A has 40 players and team B has 10, it seems like a good idea for team A to have 5 ENY planes?

Proposal 3. { Friendly Dots Sector Only} The radar bar would stay the same. Players would need to be in the same sector to see who is flying there. This would have a positive effect on running missions and doing low altitude strikes. This would also limit the ability of head hunting.

Proposal 4. { Advertisement} I believe more players more fun. I understand that advertisement costs money. Would we the players be willing to pay a little more per month if we had a guarantee that it would be spent on advertisement? I personally could part with 2 more dollars a At this point, it would be counter-productive to advertise while AH looks so antiquated.  After the overhaul HTC is working on is finished, they probably will advertise somewhere.
month in return for more fun. 
Inclosing I only want to see this game return to the glory years. I believe by making this game more team friendly it would appeal to a larger player base.
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Offline Bino

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2015, 10:11:15 AM »
Friendly dots in sector only, is to limit the enemy's ability to see all flights by being logged in a tower.

I think that I see where you're going with this, but it's easy to circumvent by simply moving to another base in another map sector.  *shrug*

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Offline pembquist

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2015, 11:54:54 AM »
For proposal 1 I don't think the ack,dar,troops need points to encourage their destruction, what should get big points is bringing goons and capturing. How many times have you heard "do we have troops?" "troops needed" etc.

The problem I have with limited dot visibility is that I usually look at dots to figure out where I want to go.

ENY...I don't know what you do about ENY. It seems like it was meant to rein in bully mobs whereas now we often only have bully quartets. Maybe there would be a way to stiffen resistance instead of neutering  attackers. My thinking is that it would be preferable to shoot more powerful weapons at harder targets than to shoot weaker weapons at normal targets.

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2015, 12:26:54 PM »
Proposal 1. {Reward Selfless Acts} Increase the perks awarded and score awarded for destroying the following: auto guns, ordinance bunkers, Troop barracks and hangers. I believe this would increase team play.

As others stated, all this would do is help vulchers. All your trying to do here is setup quicker easier captures. That doesn't increase team play, just hordes rolling bases. Personally I think they should make the the hangers harder to drop. This would bring in more players to FIGHT for and against each other instead of allowing bases to be rolled one after the other.

Proposal 2. { Limited ENY} ENY does not become active until the arena has 200 players. I believe this would limit the negative effect of tower rangers.

I think ENY should hit harder and quicker. More diversity of planes adds more diversity to the game. When ENY hits, make those low ENY planes perk planes instead of just locking them out. This way those that want to only fly P51d can, it will just cost them. This will also have players work toward gaining more perk points to use.

Tower sitters, they should set it up so that if your in the tower when the war is won you DO NOT get perks, and they should post this information for a couple of months in the "message of the day" when you log in. Two reasons people sit in the tower, personal reasons (chatting, AFK) or looking to get free perks. Taking the perks away would clear part of that issue.

Proposal 3. { Friendly Dots Sector Only} The radar bar would stay the same. Players would need to be in the same sector to see who is flying there. This would have a positive effect on running missions and doing low altitude strikes. This would also limit the ability of head hunting.

Dot dar is there to help players find fights/action. Anything that takes away that aid doesn't help, it hurts. Picture a new player coming in looking for some fun, He would find less action that is shown now. What increases mid to low level missions are player running them. What makes them more fun is when they are planned well with good cover. Having everyone hide under dar to steal a quick base isn't going to "help" bring in the fun.

Head hunting is easy, follow the number one rule (don't be a dick) and you won't have to worry about hiding from head hunters.

Proposal 4. { Advertisement} I believe more players more fun. I understand that advertisement costs money. Would we the players be willing to pay a little more per month if we had a guarantee that it would be spent on advertisement? I personally could part with 2 more dollars a month in return for more fun.

Inclosing I only want to see this game return to the glory years. I believe by making this game more team friendly it would appeal to a larger player base.

Advertising can certainly help. Targeting the right audience is the biggest issue to getting the biggest bang for the buck. Now is not the time to go for it but as soon as the new version is out Id love to see more adds. The rest of the community can help through social media. I had high hopes that HTC would generate some action through social media when they hired "Hop" to run it, but I guess they still don't understand how it works to utilize it well. The more action that they get on the twitter and facebook sites the bigger the trending gets the more people will see it. Getting an interview on a gaming site about the new version would be a good idea as well.

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2015, 02:53:15 PM »
Inclosing I only want to see this game return to the glory years. I believe by making this game more team friendly it would appeal to a larger player base.

Intentionally disrupting 1 vs 1's pretty much torpedoes your wish and members of your squad did it.   Not only that, they were embarrassed in front of this community.
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2015, 03:29:22 PM »
zero your squad was all bragging that you took the rook city down using gv's.  there was no point in taking it down.  we owned like 20% of their fields but we had no intention on winning the war.  we were just furballing and when the fight ended we took the base.

you guys spent what 2 hours to get to the city for basically no reason.

you guys asking for positive changes is kind of like an oxymoron.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Bear76

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2015, 03:36:57 PM »
The only reason I attack any strategic target, including HQ is to help the war effort. I thank you for your positive feedback on my proposals.

Taking down the HQ does nothing but make people log. People might take you a little more seriously if you didn't brag about it after you do it.

Offline 49ZERO

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2015, 04:19:48 PM »
When I take down the HQ or damage a strategic target, I do broadcast it to country. I do not consider that bragging. As to using tanks to kill a city on a country we own 20 percent of is a insurance policy. 20 percent of any country does not mean you win the map. I believe most active players do not read or use the bb. This is the first time I ever used it in 13 years. My values and beliefs must be obsolete. Complaining of hardship in a ww2 simulation game could be the future of all computer gamming. Fly by sight is too hard for this generation to endure. The future could be making sure no one has any hardship at all and to play a simulated war game as nice as possible.

Offline Bear76

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2015, 04:42:19 PM »
When I take down the HQ or damage a strategic target, I do broadcast it to country. I do not consider that bragging. As to using tanks to kill a city on a country we own 20 percent of is a insurance policy. 20 percent of any country does not mean you win the map. I believe most active players do not read or use the bb. This is the first time I ever used it in 13 years. My values and beliefs must be obsolete. Complaining of hardship in a ww2 simulation game could be the future of all computer gamming. Fly by sight is too hard for this generation to endure. The future could be making sure no one has any hardship at all and to play a simulated war game as nice as possible.

Actually a lot of players do come here. I have seen numerous times members of your squad going off on 200 about dropping an HQ. Don't remember who, you all look alike  :D. This is why your squad has gotten the reputation it has. The only hardship in the game is people doing things that ruin others game play and fun. Then brag about killing a building as people log off in frustration.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Positive Changes
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2015, 05:02:05 PM »
hard to believe that he didnt know that most of the community frown upon dropping hq for no reason other than to brag. 

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.