Black Friday is back and it's for all the marbles. All are welcome to compete for prizes and rank! Come join us for the final challenge of 2015!
I know it's been a while, but we are compiling the scores. Please be patient! <S>

All Aircraft will be available at all fields
A27, A29, A31
A28, A30, A32

- Green Bases will be Neutral and fire on both sides.
- Terrain - Dueling Arena Terrain
- Fuel 1.00
- FSO Icons (3K for enemy) (3k for friendly)
- Ack 1.0
- Radar ON
- Aircraft warning range 12 miles (63,360)
- Tower range set to 12 miles (for display only to match the above setting)
- Visibility 17 miles
- External Ordnance DISABLED
- Enemy collisions ON
- Kill shooter OFF
- Stall limiter ENABLED