Oops thanks, I was thinking literally instead of scoring.
Bails, ditches, captures, and crashes, are scored as deaths.
Yes on no on the ditch. You keep only 75% of you damage and kill points for a ditch, but for kill/death it is the same as a landing. No kill awarded to the player(s) that forced you down and is not a death for you.
As for proxie kills, you get no perk points. Not sure about damage or kill points. But it is a kill towards kills/death and kills/sortie.
As to the OP:
1: any bail is scored as a death and effects the points you have earned in that sortie both for score and perks.
2: yes and a kill for the closest red guy within 3K assuming no one else shot you.
3:bail or capture(difference being friendly or enemy area) then yes. A ditch does not award a kill. Slid off the runway many times blacked out with PW.
4: yes
5: did not land or ditch. I have been run off from bombers that later did the bomb N bail with me getting 3 kills for mostly BBs on a quick pass hitting all three.
6: if you got so much as a 303 into him, yes. If he Explodes or bails within 3K of you and you did not fire, you may as long as no one is closer. Beyond that I an not sure.
7: they do not count for perk system. The do count as a kill for kills/death and kills/sortie. Do not think you get plane damage points and unsure about plane kill points.