Our squad doubled in size once we started taking HQ down as a stated regular goal. More people have joined our squad, and participate with us than complain about it on this forum. The majority seems silent on this issue. We have gained people and helped them stay playing AH because we teach them how to play, to have fun, and to do other things than furball, hoarde and pick in uber rides. I can think of 3 newbs that as a squad we have playing because we take the time to teach them things. The learning curve is steep on this game. How many people have allegedly left over HQ down vs. the curve being steep?
I understand there are a couple of squad leaders that are how should I say... butthurt, because your job is now harder without a darbar. Once again there is not one shred of evidence that players are leaving the game because of HQ being down. If they are leaving I suspect it is because they are looking for an easier gaming or console type experience anyways. Suck it up and be a leader, 120 mins of HQ time is only 10 guys making less than 3 runs. Worst case that is what 15 mins? If we do it when there are only 15 people on the other side on, maybe we want to take a metric crap-ton of bases like we did last night. Thus causing two sides to gang up on the weak one, IT"S A 3 WAY WAR 2/3 SIDES LOSE THE MAP. I have been both Night and Rook, when I was a Night for a while we would go Rook because they always seemed outnumbered. To hear a Bish cry like this lets me know our tactics are working. Bish are organized and home of the mega hoarde, some guys on that side I have NEVER been in a dogfight with. They just pick me form capped positions while in the mega hoarde, so what I think it is fun to take off from a capped base.
Vriacu on the other hand you only seem to be the leader of leaders with no followers. Good luck with that buddy.