Just spent some time in the BETA. Here's my list.
No friendly GV icons?
Unable to hear approaching enemy planes in GV, only hear the bullets as they hit.
Whirlble rounds look like 50cal rounds?
Can kill friendly guns?
Liked the plane Icon for radio transmissions.
Like the graphics face lift. (Still in the 60s for FPS at full graphics, but drops quick to the teens and twenties when others are around.)
Little too much sun, had to turn post lights & reflections off to see gauges, and to GV better.
Like the new bamboo bush you can drive through and hide a tank behind.
Like the telephone pole, but why cant I blow it up like the watchtower?
Like the buildings and the roads! Wish we could destroy the buildings and the bridges.
Think the HUD is cheesy (for this game), F-16ish (too modern), and arcade-boy style, but I get it. Can it be turned off?
LOVE the new Icons!!!!!
BUG: When in the 5" twin mount and repeatedly hitting backspace I noticed that you can make one barrel (right) fire twice in a row, while the other barrel (left) will fire twice in a row, but 70 degrees to the right of the barrel. I assume it should not do that.
Was able to launch a Jagpanzer on the carrier deck, but it launched the LVT4 in the water? Wtf? Carrier looks great btw.