Author Topic: Jan. 29-Feb. 4 **My Brother's Keeper**  (Read 412 times)

Offline USRanger

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4 **My Brother's Keeper**
« on: January 29, 2016, 08:49:20 PM »
"My Brother's Keeper"

 It is early September 1943 and the fire of the Pacific war
is raging.  In a bold move, the Japanese have landed an
invasion force on the American-held island of Nauru.
At great cost, they have seized 70% of the island.  Only the
center of the island remains in American hands.  The runway
at Hawkins Field(A5) is still being operated, though shelled
frequently, and the Marine outpost known as Camp Apache (V4)
is trying to shore up the western & southern flanks.
The Japanese are preparing for the final push to overrun
the American bases & claim the entire island for the Empire.

A coded message has been received by the brass at Hawkins.
Help is on the way.  Pearl is sending two carrier task
groups, code named Granite & Hammer, to save the besieged
defenders before it is to late!  The Navy must move quickly.
Intelligence has reported that Japanese spotters have
located the inbound vessels and reported their heading &
probable destination.  The Japanese have sent their own
fleets to intercept and destroy the Naval rescue mission
and help finish of the defenders of Nauru if necessary.
Last known position was 2 days behind the American
fleet's estimated arrival.

Allied Orders:

1. Defend Hawkins field(A5) and Camp Apache(V4) at all costs.
   Hold out until help arrives.
2. Naval forces must establish a beachhead
   (capture a coastal base).
3. Battle inland, seizing ground until you have an
   uninterrupted linkup with Hawkins field for a minimum
   of 48 hrs. to get wounded out and supplies in.
4. Fend off the Japanese interceptor fleets before they can
 destroy the precious beachhead.

Axis Orders:

1. Attack and seize Hawkins Field(A5) and Camp Apache(V4),
   seizing control of Nauru Island.
2. Defend against enemy Naval invasion operations.
3. Keep the encircled American bases isolated from any help
   they could receive from the American Navy.
4. Once Japanese Naval forces arrive on scene, seek out and
 destroy the enemy amphibious & naval forces.

Setup information:
  This is a totally fictional setup taking place in mid-'43.
  It is not meant to mimic any actual battles that took places.
  All names & places are just part of the story. 

Terrain: Guadalc
Killshooter: OFF
Friendly & enemy icons: 3k
Below radar: 200ft.
Base capture: 15 troops
Auto ack: 1.0
Manned ack: 1.0
Fuel burn: 1.0

Allied Planeset:    Axis Planeset:
B-25C                 G4M Betty
C-47(supplys only)  C-47(supplys only)
P-38G                 A6M5b
P-40N                 Ki-61
P-39D                 B5N2

Naval Only:         Naval Only:
F4U-1A              A6M3
SBD5                B5N2
TBM3                D3A1

« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 08:54:13 PM by USRanger »
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