Hi Randy1,
For the most part, the same tips that are listed to use for AHII (w\ a few exceptions) go for the Beta as well.
Recommend to use the default driver setup for your vid card (the driver settings that are present when you 1st load the drivers on your computer w\o any changes made from the user), check in Beta Video Settings for res, V-synch, textures, font size and FOV settings, then in-game check in Graphics Detail the object detail, object distance, tree detail and gamma slider settings and the EM update settings.
These are the user adjustable settings in the Beta which pretty much mirror AHII w\ an addition\subtraction here or there.
The rest of the Beta graphics enhancements are not user adjustable as they are checkboxes that either enable\disable a graphics feature according to user wants\needs\desires, again this mirrors AHII but w\ several additional features added.
This is a quick rundown to help get you going.
Hope this helps you out.
PS--Also what Chilli said..................