again fugitive name one player that has quit because of how I play.
I have not flown in a while and have almost lost the desire to get in game because of the lack of fights. Now, let's be clear, at some stage we all run due to having fought and lost the position tot he point that 1 more turn would be suicide so we try to extend in the hope of re-engaging.
I do no think this thread is about that. It is about the numbers of people who simply do not even bother to try anything more than a fast pass hit and run. They are boring me to death and I have spent the last 2 weeks in World of Warships because I know in there I get to fight.
So semp, in short, people are quitting / limiting time in game because of the prevalent game play at the moment. I think it is on a slope that cannot be reversed as it is an attitude thing and it is not good for the future.