Author Topic: Whats new in AHIII compared to AHII  (Read 3038 times)

Offline bustr

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Re: Whats new in AHIII compared to AHII
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2016, 03:18:36 PM »
I swear Hitech must know I'm grounded waiting for parts and he;s picking on me...waaaaaaa...... :bolt:

1. - battleship
2. - new Ki61 3d object
3. - updated cockpits.
4. - new airfeilds, two versions of the large feild.
5. - new cv and destoryer 3d objects.
6. - new GV bases, three of them.
7. - new HQ and strat objects.
8. - new AAA base object with 63 AI 88 to protect the HQ. Two are placed next to the HQ.
9. - new terrain tiles and clutter tiles.
10. - ground level wind blowing moving flags, clutter and tree branches.
11. - new shore battery object.
12. - new town object.
13. - new cloud editor, check out the clouds in the beta CraterMA.
14. - new FMOD sound system and sounds. How sounds respond to physical flight and engine states has been modified.
15. - DX9 and DX11 support. DX11 for VR gear.
16. - radar mini icons instead of dots. Friend and foe fighter and bomber. Friend only tank and PT.
17. - in flight ability to bright\dim gunsight reticle.
18. - active pitch ladder and HUD with position able HUD readouts around the screen.
19. - automatic mouse control with commander mode inside of aircraft cockpits for new players.
20. - new post lighting effects for general reflections, surface sheen, shadows, canopy reflection distortions, and refractive blooms and star ray reflection points.
21. - canopy plex has micro scratches.
22. - enhanced haze layer.
23. - updated damage model and effects.
24. - individual list of destroyed objects and remaining down times as a right click drop down for every base on clip board maps.
25. - updated content editors.
26. - new port object.
27. - new TBM 3D model.
28. - new game play capture the sheep.
29. - Base capture via capture the flag.
30. - Auto dueling arena/mission capability.
31. - Prop pitch governor lag.
32. - Optimized cockpit views.
33. - Default FOV changes.
34. - Faster terrain and patch download speeds.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.