If you haven't been to the DA, KOTH, or a custom arena set up for 1v1s then honestly you don't have enough knowledge on this matter to even try to say we are just being paranoid or that Starfox isn't Skyyr.......that is a hard fact....you learn a lot more about a pilot in a 1v1 then you do anywhere else in this game. (No he doesn't just HO ect ect ect whatever a lot of people who have no clue about his flying say)
It's not incredibly hard to get passed a perma ban from any game(CSGO has had a few pro players get banned afterwards because they found out they had other accounts VAC banned)...especially if the player moves somewhere else (pretty sure he said he was moving prior to his ban....may have been Kruel or another new damned member)
There is no MIGHT here.....it's Skyyr flying the account StarFox.....just like LoneWolf, Achilles ect ect ect.
Lazer I like how you posted his score....I bet if you put that side by side with Skyyr's last full tour they would look awfully similar

(Like we haven't already looked there and seen the similarities)