Ok, what do millennials talk about in other game forums? Much of the anime from japan has the same moral positive messages about good and evil, right and wrong, as American westerns did in the 50's.
Would you like to talk about feeding stations versus watering stations ability to keep birds on your property year round. I'm developing a watering station that is self contained and can be placed into an empty potting vase for apartment renters and backyards. Birds are more likely to stay on your property during breeding season and introduce their juveniles to the water source if it is there year round. I have humming birds, wrens and Towhees that have been nesting on my property for the last decade because the water stations has been there year round. Due to the small diameter of the catch pan, I have humming birds that plop into it and act like ducks sitting under the outflow.
I know, who cares......still, it's one of those items that can make it onto QVC.