The "Land 20 kill streak in a fighter" achievement isn't counting. After about than a dozen kills without a death it's still showing 0. The 15 kills version worked (got it 8/24)Had no such problem in AH II before.
Spit XIV outside of 200 yards renders the wings as elliptical vs clipped.
Found two of those small banana tree bushes stopping my GV dead still439107,901,67965,12.1,6.9,-137.7ndislesFOV = 70.5439076,892,67930,10.0,-7.4,156.9ndislesFOV = 70.5
Ok, this seems to be an AH III arena problem with landings when it comes to achievements.Landed kills in the Me 262, Me 163, Bf 109K in that arena and none of them counted in any "land kills" category. For all other ones it works (total kills, country kills and so on). That also explains why out of 368 total kills I allegedy landed only 155, which is way too low. Apparently all or at least most of those 155 'landed kills' had been made by me in AH2 arena.
Alt-Tab still sends AH into another dimension. I've been schooled in how to end it, then start it again, but it seems to me that you should be able to alt-tab back and forth, as in the olde days. Particularly if you're fussing with your TrackIR or similar device.- oldman