Thanks FLS! That is the first ever mention of the AH Tracker Center command. Where is this? Is this buried in the myriad of commands for keystrokes? How is this discoverable by any new user?
The natural inclination is to use the TIR center command unless there is some documentation that shows what the AH Tracker really does. Do we have that? IMHO, it would be much better not to put the community on an easter egg hunt to locate features.
Just to ask the dumb but obvious question. Is the long term plan to make AHIII a game that anyone can pick up and play or is it intended that only those who have buckets of time learning every esoteric aspect of the game can win? If you have to go 3 weeks and bunch of posts to discover it, is it really discoverable? Are we making a complex game EVEN more complex? IMHO, the esoteric audience is here, now. Players will gravitate to games in which the features can be discovered.
Just to put the plea simply. In my experience there is NO discoverability fairy that makes this work. You either choose to make a game in which the features are easily discoverable OR you document in a way that they can be easily found. Making it so that the features are hard to find or scattered about willy nilly AND choose not to document is to dig the hole deeper. You have to figure out which is cheaper. IMHO, after the game is built, documenting is much easier than trying to retroactively apply the discipline to make them easy find.
Much appreciated!