Author Topic: From Axis Command to all forces...  (Read 233 times)

Offline Vudu15

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From Axis Command to all forces...
« on: October 12, 2016, 02:57:07 PM »
The Axis command team has made all preparations for the impending battle aircraft readiness crew rotations and good beer all on hand for the fight that will begin midday and continue well into the night.

While I'm confident in my planning and aircraft I am still lacking pilots and a couple group leads. I need a GL for JG53(109s)and 9 Grouppo(c202s) as well as JG2(190F8s) and I'm in need of pilots for the above groups and JU88s. I need you for whatever time you can spare 1hour or as long as you can stay alive. keep in mind you can leave and come back several times throughout the day.

That is all.
Vudu15 Leader of Luftwaffe forces, Tunisia.
"No odds too great"

"I was a horse ahead at the end" - Nathan Bedford Forrest
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