Author Topic: Aces High III Version 3.0 Patch 7 Released  (Read 954 times)

Offline Skuzzy

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Aces High III Version 3.0 Patch 7 Released
« on: October 18, 2016, 03:05:24 PM »
Today we released patch 7 to Aces High III Version 3.0.  Here are the release notes for this update.

/*************************Version 3.0 Patch 7 ********************/
1. Fixed an invisible building.

2. 88 auto flacks, on the flack base, are now easier to destroy (was changed from  GNA to GNG)

3. Sound is now working in the film viewer.

4. Fixed a Z bias/buffer flicker with some gauges, like on the Lancaster, when in the home view.

5. Fixed an issue where vehicles would fall through the bridges, if they touched the rails.

6. Added a sight mode toggle for tank sights, changes to black instead of white.
   The default key is Shift F4, but you will most likely have to map it do to it's previous mapping.

7. Oculus default settings now have shadows disabled.

8. Added an arena flag to disable cross country communication.

9. Fixed a cloud shadow issue with DX11 causing them to not be dark enough.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese