I simply believe that large TT or Furball Islands take away from the game model experince. Especially TT islands on big maps where you can't even see if there is any action in that area, since tanks don't show a dar bar. It would be better to have these maps separate on the main page called Free for All and TT island death match, with a max of 16 players. One for tanks and one for fighters. This would also greatly help new players learn the game. I feel as though if the bases are close together with fair spawn points, and the area is setup to incorporate all styles without having to segregate the styles based on game play, this would go along way in making the maps more exciting.
I think a smaller version of Fester's map would work great, without the TT.
I also think smaller maps, with directed action and short base distance, would allow noobs to find fights and action a lot more quickly. You can still have the outside bases for secret bombing missions and tank capture, ect. But I simply think that segregating the action while at the same time not providing any resemblance of action in the field, will cause players to not be able to find any action on the map and log off. This is something I have been observing for a while.
I've been having some good fun here and there when I can log, but this is only during the primetime when I can play on the weekends. I am simply trying to throw out suggestions that will increase overall playability for everyone at all times of the day.