I have disabled speedstep, turboboost, I have cpu at 4ghz and it's locked in.
I would disable all the crap, then test.
You can also disable core parking in w7, do this as well!
I have already disabled the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep in the UEFI....been doing this since my X79 box when I discovered that it defeated Intel TurboBoost. I also have disabled Hyperthreading in the UEFI so this took care of Windows parking the logical CPU cores....Windows only sees the 6 physical CPU cores which Windows will not park so my CPU cores are running 1 thread at a time per CPU core now instead of trying to execute 2 threads per CPU core. Made these changes after doing some reading up on how Windows processes threads across CPU cores and on how Hyperthreading actually works.....realized that w\ a mulit-core CPU being used w\ a consumer level usage load that hyperthreading is pretty much useless if a CPU has a minimum of 2 physical cores but definately when a CPU has 4 or more physical cores on die.....unless a consumer is doing work that can actually saturate all the physical CPU cores, but at a hexacore\octacore or more level unless you're running server related types of usage I just can't see a need for hyperthreading at all. This also simplifies thread assignment\management for Windows which could net some slight CPU efficiency\performance gains as well under a consumer usage load w\ Hyperthreading disabled on a multi-core CPU.
Now I haven't disabled Intel TurboBoost as I kinda liked the advent of free CPU OC'ing since my understanding of how this works (doesn't suppose to kick in until after the CPU is running at the base clock speeds as set in the UEFI (w\ my I7 5820K this is 3.3 GHz) then if the CPU operating power\temp levels are sufficiently low enough at base clock speeds then the CPU will be OC'd to the turbo boost clock speeds as set in the UEFI (default is 3.5 GHz)...IOW's free OC'ing w\o the hassle of actually setting this up). I have set the CPU Upgrade setting in my Gigabyte UEFI (which are presets that set the upper TB clock limits) to I7 5820K 4.0 GHz and have checked this to actually work as advertised....once you get the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep out of the way (also have set up in Windows Power Management to High Performance plan which should shut down any Windows controlled power management schemes....which Enhanced Intel SpeedStep was 1 of them).
Might look into trying my box w\ TB disabled to see if there's a difference.
The only CPU power\clock control left that can't be disabled on Intel CPU's is the hardware level 1st gen Intel SpeedStep which is looking at CPU core load to determine when to reduce power and clock speeds w\ the intent of determining a desktop type CPU load usage vs heavy app usage (such as a game being run) to save power at very low CPU load usage. This is coded in at the actual CPU die level on chip now.....used to be accessible thru the BIOS back in the day but since the Pentium days this has been installed at the chip level.
This is why it's important for a game client software to load an Intel CPU (or an AMD CPU as they use the PowerNow! equivalent of Intel's SpeedStep) above a certain load threshold and maintain the CPU usage above it to prevent the CPU from trying to go into speed stepping due to the CPU load falling below the set load threshold level to trigger this.
This is what I'm trying to prove is what is triggering the screen pauses\freezes and whatnot that is going on w\ running AHIII Dx11. If I can get the CPU core load usage to climb high enough to stay above the 50% usage mark across at least 2 CPU cores as I'm seeing being done under AHIII Dx9 I believe this stuff will cease to occur. From all the data that I've gathered and the items that I've addressed\witnessed on my end this is the only logical conclusion that I can come to to explain what is causing these issues under the Dx11 version but not under the Dx9 version.
So far, everything I've tried\done I can't get the CPU core usage when running AHIII Dx11 on my box to stay up above the 40% level across any CPU core and every screen pause I've seen since I've set up MSI AB to record the individual CPU core usage on my CPU has shown the CPU core usage on any CPU core to be below 35% or lower at the time when they do occur. I believe that the CPU is trying to speed step the cores at this low of CPU load level causing the issues to appear but I can't prove any of this unless I can get the CPU core usage up consistently higher then monitor the game from there.
I believe all the other items, though important to find, were only really symptoms that the real cause amplified.......and why it's so hard to isolate.
I have learned thru my soon to be 34-yr career in the petroleum industry to not assume if possible but to test, document and verify even if you are sure of a source of an issue and to not discount any potential cause until it is proven w\ verifiable documentation to be\not be the cause, no matter how silly or mundane it may sound to others.
So this concept is what I'm bringing to the table to work this issue to try to be of help to HTC w\ this game because it's 1 of my favorite pastimes and I can't stand it when something isn't working as it should so I always try to eliminate my side of this 1st before going any further and at this time I've pretty much eliminated everything on my side that I'm aware of.....just got done to finally reroute a phone line yesterday to get the wife's all-in-one printer's fax modem off our dedicated ADSL line (found out why the filter was missing earlier after finding this from noticing my new Netgear Nighthawk modem\router was dropping out approx every 2-3 days....she had did it earlier due to a fax not going thru and didn't tell me about it.....now all will go thru the Centurylink installed industrial-grade ADSL filter they installed in the phone service box which gives me a fully dedicated, unhindered ADSL line ALL THE TIME now to the modem\router w\o needing to install any of the cheap ADSL line filters anymore......beautiful!).