I would suggest to please start thinking about it. There is no reason for ENY to be ironclad, its a feature like ANY other.
Today is ELEVEN DAYS IN A ROW WHERE KNIGHTS HAVE HAD ENY GREATER THAN 5.0 FOR 1-3 HOURS IN PRIME TIME. That's in a game that has only about 4 hours of prime time PER day.
If the system worked and Knights consistently had the numbers we would see that the Knights were winning an inordinate number of maps. I can state categorically that isn't happening. If ENY works just show us the stats, please show how its growing the community. IMHO, its hard to see for the crowd of people that leave when they hit it.
I will humbly suggest you have these kinds of features:
1. Stuff that works well when it is 800 per arena but doesn't at 100.
2. Stuff that works at 100 per arena.
A. Stuff that attracts people to play
B. Stuff that drives them insane and away.
I'll suggest that our Venn diagram has an intersection of 1 and B right now. This game can't tolerate a lot more of B and keep running since it REQUIRES people to be playing to work.
I'll humbly suggest that you put all the B features in a pile and take them out of the game, NOW. You can afford them when the population is healthier. Removing them when the population is below critical is way too late.
As a practical matter, do you really care how many times the map turns over and who wins? The server reset is automatic. It can turn 3 times a day if people are playing and the numbers are increasing. With the numbers in the tank, thinking of what increases them is a good thing.
-People having fun means they play more, more days, more hours, more money.
-People PO'd means they quit and stop paying.
Pretending that ENY gets people to play and pay is a forlorn hope. It is a fiction of this game and NO OTHER anywhere. It has no parallel in real life. So why does it exist?
If the idea of life without ENY is too scary, then take a small bite. I can pretty much guarantee you could kill ENY tomorrow and you would not see any requests for it to return after 3 months. It solves a developer problem NOT a player problem. The players don't see its benefits, only its negatives. The first team would be against the first team against the first team. NOT the first team against the third team for days on end.
At the bare minimum base it on inflight numbers and cut it completely when the arena falls below 60 inflight. It makes no sense to have ENY when the battle is between 3 on one side and 5 on the other.
Again, I humbly suggest that it is past time to get real. Living in a fictional world where we can keep doing the same thing and expect something different is just an illusion. Believing that the turn around in numbers is just around the corner is just not happening. Take a dose of reality and CHANGE!