Hi Popey,
The problem is still 2:1 odds makes all attackers look good regardless of downtime, not all pilots are here to win the map, but are trying to survive in a many vs many -> defenders fighters vs fighters/bombers/attack against overwhelming odds.
The lower side can pretty much only react to the numerous sides attacks, even if downtime of a field is short.
This is why having numbers affect downtime can be a simpler solution. The "local area" (to be defined) numbers can be computed at the moment a field object is destroyed. So, 10 attackers and 3 defenders in the "local area" at the moment the ack is killed: downtime is 30% of the nominal value. A couple of attackers RTB or get killed, now it is 8 v 3 when the radar is killed: downtime is 38% of the nominal value.
Doesn't matter when or how far away the attackers launched, or how many on either side are sitting in the tower.
I'm sure it could be gamed, but at least no one is deprived of their favorite ride.