Author Topic: Ground to Air gunnery practice  (Read 11030 times)

Offline mustng2

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Ground to Air gunnery practice
« on: January 17, 2017, 01:12:17 PM »
I came up with a staged mission to let you practice Ground to Air gunnery.  It has to be done in a custom arena rather than in offline mode and the instructions look complicated at first, but it works kinda well.  I may add some more planes etc so let me know if you have any suggestions.  The instructions are below and in the attached pdf.

1. Create a custom arena ndisles terrain
2. Go to staged missions, select GNDTOAIR
3. Check load mission settings
4. Load mission
5. Click on populate mission.
6. Assign your self to one of the Axis planes
7. Click on start mission
8. Click on start now
9. When the mission comes up, bail and end sortie
10. Click on kill mission
11. Move to field A40 in sector 9,7
12. Select a Wirbel, Osti, M16 or field gun and spawn in the hanger
13. Go to staged missions, select GNDTOAIR
14. Load Mission
15. Start Mission (do not click on populate)
16. Start now
17. 5 or 6 P51's will dive on the field and 3 sets of bombers will fly over at 5k, try to shoot them. You can position your self so they are diving at you or passing to the side.  Select one of the enemy planes with shift tab and the lead computing cross hair comes up.
18. Click on kill mission after the enemy planes have passed.
19. Repeat steps 13 to 18.  Note that you have 10 time the normal ammo load.  Steps 2 through 10 are just to get you in the right country which is Knights for the mission arena settings.

Offline Randy1

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 02:20:17 PM »
I have used this staged mission by Mustng2.  It works really well.  Be sure and follow the unusual instructions to get to work right.  If you have not created an arena before it is really easy to do so don't let that hold you back from some good wirble practice.

Offline iaqmya

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 08:35:34 AM »
I tried this mission off line and didn't get it to work. Will it only work on line in the custom arena area?

Offline iaqmya

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2017, 09:11:04 PM »
Found the answer :embarrassed:

Offline LTCClark

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2017, 01:35:21 PM »
How can I re-create this for bustr's gunnery map??

This would be a very useful tool as his map is setup for firing lines, etc etc.

Get VoiceBot and Use Speech for game commands
AutoHotkey and Software repo maps etc for AHIII

Offline mustng2

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2017, 02:45:47 PM »
This one takes a little more work than most.  The principle should still be the same, get a line of aircraft that are enemy to the base to dive into the field and it will only work in a custom arena, not offline.  I have attached the mission file to show you how I did it.  Give it a try with that terrain, let me know how it goes.

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2021, 11:39:23 AM »
I can not get this mission to run, with the instruction sheet, at all.  :headscratch:
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76

Offline mustng2

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2021, 10:08:36 PM »
I had not kept up with the revisions.  I uploaded the mission again and tried it.  It works now.  Be careful with the instructions.  I wrote them and I still had to make 4 attempts before I followed them all.  Let me know what happens if you try it now.

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2021, 10:29:38 PM »
Thank you sir, will give it a try.  :salute
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76

Offline mustng2

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2024, 01:45:56 PM »
I got word the map had changed and the target planes were not passing over the field.  I changed that and separated the P51s to give a little more time to switch targets.  The bombers are at 6k.  Instructions below still work, although I found that when I create a custom arena it kicks me off, but if I go right back online the custom arena is there.  Good luck and let me know if it needs to be changed.  Lead computing gunsight is turned on from the clip board.  Options/Arena setup/enviroment/arena settings/flight mode flags/change  Check lead compute gunsight.  Tab key should select the target for the lead compute in game. 

1. Create a custom arena ndisles terrain
2. Go to staged missions, select GNDTOAIR
3. Check load mission settings
4. Load mission
5. Click on populate mission.
6. Assign your self to one of the Axis planes
7. Click on start mission
8. Click on start now
9. When the mission comes up, bail and end sortie
10. Click on kill mission
11. Move to field A40 in sector 9,7
12. Select a Wirbel, Osti, M16 or field gun and spawn in the hanger
13. Go to staged missions, select GNDTOAIR
14. Load Mission
15. Start Mission (do not click on populate)
16. Start now
17. 5 or 6 P51's will dive on the field and 3 sets of bombers will fly over at 5k, try to shoot them. You can position your self so they are diving at you or passing to the side.  Select one of the enemy planes with shift tab and the lead computing cross hair comes up.
18. Click on kill mission after the enemy planes have passed.
19. Repeat steps 13 to 18.  Note that you have 10 time the normal ammo load.  Steps 2 through 10 are just to get you in the right country which is Knights for the mission arena settings.

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: Ground to Air gunnery practice
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2024, 09:06:39 PM »
Excellent sir, thank you for the update.  :salute
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76