HO is a legit and documented tactic, especially in aircraft like the Yak 9T. I HO a lot, and can tell you it's not difficult to avoid a HO. IMHO anyone that complains about HOing is just another HOder angry they lost the HO.
First of, comparing this GAME with real life tactics is just plan stupid. As soon as you quit flying after your next "death" I'll start listening to you. Second, "if" they went for the HO I'm sure it was a "do or die" situation and had no other choice. Any competent fighter pilot would maneuver for a shot that would give himself the highest rate of success with the lowest possibility of taking any damage.
The problem with the HO in the game is that it is THE ONLY MOVE most players know! Time after time every merge is a lame HO attempt. Can I HO, sure, with 8 50s or a few cannons in my KI a HO is a piece of cake and Im sure I could win more than I loose if I did it ALL the freaking time like some of these guys.
I like to fight. A HO is nothing but a joust, and avoidance of a fight. You dont see players like Tongs and Junky and other skilled players going for HOs. Only the lame skilless players who cant get a kill any other way do it.