True, I'd like to see Aces High expansions with large ammounts of content which you purchase one time.
A nuget of an idea.... Keep the monthly fee at the reasonable rate it is, but get paid to generate the content... It brings it's own set of challenges to the table but interesting thought..
Concern, all players in arena would need the assets as to be displayed on all FrontEnds, but only the paying subscriber has access to "use" the content? Might not work with our game as well as the mind's eye predicts.
Example, Content Pack $100,000: 10 New Aircraft, 6 new maps, All New Mission Queuing system (prompt player in flight to join the "queued" mission), New weather content pack...
In the above example, how does the non-paying subscriber see this? Are they not allowed to join the Main Arena when a purchased map is in rotation? Do they not see the new aircraft in flight? Do they not experience the "weather content". If there was a complete road/train network with new destructible support structures, does the new player just not see them in game? See the challenges there? Just spit-ballin...