Thanks for your helpful comments, guys. I'm in no rush and I have so much to learn, I'll just keep plugging away and post changes here. Right now simply developing the overall design/concept. My goal is to create a balanced, playable MA terrain based on real world geography as much as possible, and in locations not too far removed from where real world combat in WWII took place (so no Antarctic or North/South America terrains).
Here is Rev 1 of the BlackSea:
I've widen the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, and the strait into the Sea of Azov in the Black Sea. A design principle I have in mind here is that fleets from every country should theoretically be able to navigate through all open water on the map. I don't mind if the Turkish Straits are a navigational challenge, or near suicide after I get the shore batteries installed, but it must be possible in theory for the Russian (Yellow) fleets to reach the Mediterranean Sea.
I've altered fleet starting locations to give them more room, and moved a Turkish CV from the Eastern Med back into the Black Sea. With Russia's fleet concentrated inthe Black Sea, and Green's swing CV in Istanbul able to move either to the Med or stay in the Black Sea there are opportunities to create mismatches. I'm not sure how that would play out.
I've also rotated the shaded territory pie chart CCW a few degrees, to create a longer land borer between Green and Orange. This also gives Green half of Crete, which maybe OK as a constant point of friction between the two? I would envision a green VBase on the western end of Crete. Crimea will be a natural point of friction between Green and Yellow, and Georgia between Yellow and Orange, as well as the Eastern Black Sea.
I've moved the strats further back from the lines, although again Turkey is a challenge because of the Eastern Med and the ability for Green to get a CV fleet pretty far into Orange's backyard. But it seems odd to have almost no strats in most of Turkey.
Thanks help, <S>
EDIT: Coupla other items - Bustr talked about doubling the size of the region to 20x20, but its my understanding that smaller maps work better for the current population (<200) in the MA. Is that correct? There are a number of 512mi/side maps but they seem to be special events or AvA maps?
Also, is it possible to create rivers wide enough for PT boat traffic? I'd like the Dneipr and the Don Rivers to support spawning of PT boats and be passable by boat for long reaches. But that might mean bridges are necessary, and they must be crossable. I know they are in towns, but can you span rivers with crossable bridges outside of towns, in the hinterlands?