Bustr, you're just talking about the vertical scale, correct? Are you Ok with a 256 mi/sq MA that is not real world scale, but only 1/5 scale? The height of the highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains is 18,000+ ft, with most other peaks in the 12-15,000 ft range. I'd want to stay as close to real as I can, unless I have to make game-play concessions.
I have virtually no experience with the terrain editor, so most of what you said I could barely follow at this point. But, I'll get there, assuming the overall design makes sense and is worth doing.
BowHTR, there are a couple of Black Sea terrains (one summer, one winter) but they seem to be special event terrains. Nothing for the MA.
If this one doesn't work out, I can try another land area. And at the very least I'll learn something about making terrains...
Thanks guys
EDIT @Bustr: I guess if the range is around 15,000 ft give or take some, and my scale is 1/5 real world, my Caucasus Mtns would be around 3,000 ft, with the highest around 3700 ft. That may end up working, except - the altimeters in the aircraft are real world, so maybe my vertical scale should be real and only the horizontal 1/5?