1. I'd recommend trying to join a squad. Many squads will teach you quite a bit about the game you didn't know. Maneuvers, Jabo, bombing, base taking, situational awareness, and will help you not get ganged on so easily. This also makes the flight out not feel so long.
2. Ask. Don't be affraid. The best players have learned from the best. Ask if you can join their plane and watch how they fly. Type .join (name) this will allow you to see right from the cockpit how the player flies. A guy named Rum asked me if I could show him some maneuvers the other day, so I took him to the Match Play and showed him a few beginner maneuvers, some defensive tricks, and why vertical maneuvers are important. Now he has some things to practice and work ok to become better.
3. Look at the size of dar bars and the distance from the bases. As a new player, I'd recommend you roll when the green dar is bigger than the red. This means there are more of your teammates than enemies. This will help you stay alive a good bit longer. If you roll into a hoard of a lot of red guys without your teammates, you will die quickly every time. It is better when you are learning to fly with a lot of green guys, so that they can clear your 6, and keep you in the fight longer. Most of the time, attacking bases where the enemy is lower, is the best place to be, follow a bunch of green guys to a base and watch, listen, how they interact, this will help you get more kills and not die so quickly.
4. Read about the planes. Watch videos about ACM. Read about ACM. Practice ACM. This will help a good bit for your overall flying and undertsanding of air combat.
It's a really hard game and can be very frustrating. Try not to take it too seriously and don't give up. Everyone dies!!