Limiting town rebuild to only auto guns before the enemy captures it, and only allow supplies to help rebuild the town after the capture would address this. Right now the ability to rebuild the town right under the attackers nose is the single most effective defense against capture while risking nothing. And the cry in the wilderness that it is the only way one player can save his field from a group attacking it is bogus. At some point we have to face the consequences of our choices not to defend something instead of accidentally giving one guy the single finger salute power of a group of players by dropping a box of supplies.
Last night I saw what Junky is getting at during a large scale bomber run over an airfield. As the bombers were obviously lined up for their bomb run, our M3's were already approaching the base from the spawn. We still had a battle for the town with SdK's upping like locusts. But, in the end the real battle was the M3's versus the Sdk's, and who could get their load to the town faster. The battle no longer mattered at the moment the M3's rebuilt the town faster than the SdK's could sacrifice themselves to deliver their troops. The whole fight could have taken place by the bombers flattening the town, then the M3's and SdK's do their delivery race to the town from there.
This walks the same fine line as giving a bomber player the ability to dictate a whole country's evening by a single finger salute to a single target which has been championed for years by a group of players. Yes we have players who only drive GV's or only want to sit in a GV and take part in the game from that perspective. So it is intoxicating to realize with a single finger they can impact all the efforts of a large group of combatants with very little personal risk to achieve that much against so many. It used to be delivering the troops or fighting off the attackers and spoiling that troop delivery was the reward for everyone. Now spoiling all of that by rebuilding the town by a single finger salute has diluted a clear purpose for winning in this game. The more you dilute the meaning of winning without clear objectives and outcomes, the less the majority of players feel anything strongly about engaging in the risk of combat to achieve something.
This is what Junky is really trying to help us understand. It does not promote a positive future for the kind of combat game Aces High has been since I can remember. It feels ambivalent and like participation trophy's are being passed out for showing up and risking nothing.